G13 reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain G13.
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Maaaan where's the reviews on the FLAVOUR??! You get high just by the stink.. I've smoked some yummy weed, but when one of my mates come around with a bag of fresh G-13 we didn't know what we were workin with. A big sniff of a full grinder load of the 13 is the best smell your nose could ever come across, I can't explain the amazing fruity smell but I can say it's incredibly strong. It explodes in your mind rapidly with a delicous taste. I remember NOT BEING ABLE TO MOVE coming back from a mates place on a long drive after smoking one bong, and I'm a heavy smoker. I don't know how my mate could drive. If i could get one clone of the G-13 it's all I'd grow. It truly is unbelievably AMAZING
To quote Cypress Hill...
"Now this some baaaaaad weed."
G-13 is some of the nicest weed I've ever smoked. You won't have as many thoughts as you will on God Bud, and you won't stay high as long as you would on Buddha Cheese, but good GOD G-13 will get you weird; you'll still be bizzarely clear while feeling high as shit. Two words of warning though. Don't walk around too much, because you might feel like the world is turning around you sometimes. Also, your eyes will be TERRIBLE.
was a very pretty strain had the looks smell and taste best when hitting off a bong two hits and your down very strong
did not help my rsd pain at all tried it for a week and actually threw up every time I smoked it. it's a really dank, smelly strain. Again I thought it would help my chronic pain diseases
Very nice and relaxing strain, it helps with dysphoria and any other troubles you have. Live love give g13 to me any day of the week
Amazing indica heavy strain, hard hitting, very relaxing and sleep inducing, very enjoyable smoke has a sweet woody flavour to it, great for anxiety and stress relief and brilliant if you have sleeping problems such as Insomnia (suffer myself and this knocked me out) recommend it highly 10/10.
I don't know what to say. G-13 is by far the best strain I've somehow managed to try. it has the strongest and sexiest smell possible, I'm a heavy smoker and I remember NOT BEING ABLE TO MOVE! after we had a bong each on a long drive back from a mates! It has the best unique fruity flavour and the strongest high that I've come across, it's so good infact that I kept my last nug stored for about 6 months for my birthday ;) If G-13 was the only strain to exist, then cannabis would be legal!
Great strain! Strong head-high that is followed by a relaxing body stone. Very potent, also a creeper.