G13 reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain G13.
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Fantastic!! Euphoric ... Happy ... Relaxed. New Favorite!!!!
Pretty intense. Great body high, but not too overwhelming. Great tingly sensation; somewhat akin to someone slowly washing all your pain, all your worries, all your stress, away. G-13 is weed for the soul.
1 of my favorite strains. Awesome appetite. Great for sleep and relaxing. releases all the tension in my shoulders
November 10, 2014
I love this strain I just wanna sit on couch and play Xbox no pain tired relaxed but happy feeling
August 16, 2017
really happy mood at the beginning, not a munchmonster and very relax at the end
This strain is legendary. I'm lucky enough to have smoked this stuff when I first began smoking, and I can say without a doubt its the strongest Indica I've ever had. It couch locks you like the couch is crazy glued, and has a very uniquely potent head effect. I find it almost has a tunnel vision effect, and can very easily make you zone out.
I have tried this strain and OMG!!! does it live up to its name...sadly it hasnt come down to Miami in a long time....
this hit immediately as i opened the app to review. very relaxing strain and smells good lol