G13 reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain G13.
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The thc wasn't even that high on this one, like 14% but it feels like way more than that. In love with strain. It's kinda trippy & relaxing. Different kind of high than I'm used to, I really really like it
Just smoked 6 bowls of my g13. So far I have had 2 blurry black outs and dizziness fazes lasting at least 2 seconds from this strain . Other than that I was laughing at everything and felt very euphoric, unfortunately didn't help my insomnia. It also made me think about the location of where I was, I was never so happy to live in So Cal after I smoked this strain. Everything seemed so chill and beautiful.
Been smoking this G13 for nearly 2 weeks now, it really is a strain that everyone should try once!! from the controversy around this strain, all the way down to smoking it in a bowl.
Everything about this strain will make you be coming back for more.
now the strain itself upon first opening the jar you are greeted with the most luscious citrus and almost sprite smelling terps. the taste is more of a dulled down earthy taste with slight citrus tastes.
The effects for me are to help back pains and sleeping, i can happily say that 3 bowls out of my glass piece and youll be hitting the sheets nice and early, also back pains just dissapear's, your left feeling nice and relaxed!! ever watched harold and kumar?? before they leave to go to white castle thats exactly how you will be feeling off the G-13!!!
July 12, 2016
Favorite strain by far, taste good looks good and best of all, the high is great!
July 3, 2016
loved this strain, very high tolerance this cut right through! recommended for all, enjoy this strain!
very relaxed chill feeling, we smoke a lot and I got that good light headedness that I only used to get when I first started, highly recommend.
Back in 99 at a festival in southern Minnesota I was 6 hours deep into some serious blotter. Tripping face a friend of a friend came around the campfire and asked if anyone wanted to smoke some G 13. I told him absolutely having heard of its glorious reputation. after four hits off the bowl I literally stopped tripping, stopped hallucinating, stop swerving in my mind. To date still some of the strongest herb, so controlling of your soul, so self encapsulating as to once put my own self in a bubble of indica within the snow globe of fluff I was currently in, due to the blotter of course.
Hall of Fame status, true story.
October 14, 2016
G13 that has that Real unique pukey floral, piney kinda smell, potentsy wise, its some of the strongest indica yet Ive tried, im allways fooled and underestimating the strenght of it, couchlocking, sleep inducing strain, With half psychedelic head high, one of my fav strains for sure, would NOT recommend rookies