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I really only go here because it’s the closest to me. The prices are ridiculously high which I guess is expected for Ohio but I’d rather drive several hours to Michigan or stock up than keep wasting money here. Plus they are never consistent, some products more full than others.
The staff is super friendly but majority do not know anything. I’d rather get transparency than go home not with the right one for my needs. They usually have to look up information to tell me “oh this is Indica” like ok thank you we established that
Tolerance is super high but carts from here last 40 minutes at most? edibles have a disgusting pot taste and need chasers
I purchased 4 vape cartridges and topical cream today. This was my 1st time purchasing at The Botanist. I opened 1 cartridge to find that it’s less than half filled. It was Purple Punch Birthday Cake. To say I’m not a very happy customer is an understatement. I’m thankful I read up on what products I wanted because no one was very informative on products for specific medical issues. I’ll hope that the other cartridges are filled. I think next time I’ll go to another dispensary.