Sol Flower - Sun City (MED/REC)
Sun City, AZ
4.8(2,141 reviews)
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2158 Reviews of Sol Flower - Sun City (MED/REC)
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January 27, 2021
This was my Go-To until they started selling their normally discount flower at regular prices so they could reap as much revenue from recreational as possible. I see strains they sold for 5 dollars a gram being sold for 40 an eighth and that's really sad :( Overall, used to be my main place, but I'm sure as heck not paying 40 dollars for an eighth of something you sold me a 70 dollar half ounce of last week lol as someone who needs it medically, I found that to be kind of a "big pharma" type of move and it seems silly to lose regular medical customers to try and ride that wave. Sad to say goodbye, but jeeze man what's a guy to do lol ill drive the extra 20 miles to not have to pay frat boy prices.
I have been a devoted sol customer since they opened. I thought they would keep deals for med. patients. Popcorn bud 70 dollars a 1/2 ounce is no longer available! My meds, because of recreational WEED, just went up to $100.00. I'm not rich, I'm sick with several chronic Illnesses. Autoimmune hepatitis, Lupus, R.A., Gastroparesis, just to name a few, I voted against recreational use because AZ. had no idea of how to do it without the medical patients take a big hit all the way around. The proposition states we can grow 6 plants of our own, being able to buy them from our dispensaries. I do not know of or have I found a dispensary that sells plants. Such a sad time now, I have to be in pain because the public wants to get HIGH AF. ENJOY YOURSELVES.
Place used to be pretty good. Not sure what's happening lately with recreational happening, but it is not good. I wish Arizonans would learn how to function. Geezus. The cannabis market in this state SUCKS. Like most red states, it's totally geared toward profit. They can't seem to figure out how to grow weed here.
All dispensaries should value original medical customers.
All dispensaries should honor pricing and deals that were given to medical customers.
Taking my business elsewhere. Recreational weed has ruined the business for patients.
May 18, 2021
Wow, I can't believe the changes here since Rec sales began. Strains I like are no more, deals aren't nearly as good and WTF is up with $55 1/8's? We medical patients require better quality than what Sol now offers. $40 an 1/8 for flower with 10-15% THC...seriously?
A Former Sol Patient
I used to get my medicine for $60 but now they jack the price up to $85. They say they cared about their customers and that nothing will change because of recreational but they raise the prices and quality has dropped substantially. I don’t know what to do now i cant afford the price hike! This is company is all about profit. It’s such a shame
January 30, 2021
Used to be a go to spot, but ever since recreational can out this place socks. They never have quality weed anymore and the service is poop.
The my decided to cancel my order with out telling me. I had to call to see why. ‘and so I decided I am done with your garbage place. If you can’t order online on Leafly, then why do you people have your product on the website. Might want to take it off.
January 29, 2021
What happened here? Was my go to then I get notice. No deals, Higher prices, bigger free delivery threshold... Rec comes and you forget who MADE YOU? Jack up prices to ride the rec wave and ask us to smile through it? Give us excuses about testing making it more expensive? Protecting supply? BS. Nah, this is wrong, y'all lost your way.
February 6, 2021
Just so you're aware, getting rid of your daily deals and $70 half ounces was probably the worst decision you could of ever made business wise.
I get you're banking on Prop 207 and recreational making you more money in the long run but being as there are currently 80+ adult use dispensaries in the valley that all sell the same products you do, getting rid of the ONLY thing that set you apart from everyone else means now you're just another building that sells weed.
You continue to favor recreational users over the medical patients who literally built your company and best bet you'll continue to lose thousands is business each week.
February 4, 2021
screw this place guys everyone's stop shopping here for medical weed ita TRASH. SPEND 25 more and you get wayYYYY better bud and stronger over at ponderosa or debbies
April 9, 2021
Don’t waste your time.. Here at Sol, medical cannabis patients pay the same as recreational cannabis customers
February 6, 2021
You guys should pay attention to your recent reviews. When you preach for so long about the importance of the patient and their well being, the last thing you should do is take advantage of them over for the 1st chance of extra profit. The biggest fear the medicinal patients had you are now making come true. Since you've proven that the almighty dollar is more important than what you've supposedly stood for for so long maybe we'll vote to start calling Arizona CAL V.2.
February 5, 2021
February 8, 2021
Sol use to be my favorite dispensary but since recreational sales started this place has fallen hard. On my quest to find other places I’ve discovered that sol flower is one of the worst dispensary’s out there. I hope they get better and bring back the deals but I won’t hold my breath.
January 29, 2021
Anyone else find it disgusting how two-face and disconnected this place is? They text your phone bragging they have quality meds when we all know the quality went into the 🚽😂😂 these companies will keep lying to stay in your pockets buying less for more.
February 4, 2021
I spend too much already. I am now encouraged to give it up.
February 25, 2021
Every time I end up coming I always regret it. the bud quality that I always receive is not good at all barely gets me high but it’s deceiving when your looking.
February 2, 2021
May 17, 2021
Flower is straight up a Placebo effect! my 2cents; Don't waste your time or money!
February 13, 2021
They are open for recreational use. Won’t go here for awhile. Prices drove jacked up, flower dry... I still have over $15 in in-store credit but I am not going back. Sol use to be my favorite dispensary, that changed overnight.
February 14, 2021
13 , 15 , 17 %
Is that even considered medical?
I call it good reggie.
Maybe you guys should be recreational only.
Medical patients want 20 + %.
SLAP IN THE FACE TO MEDICAL PATIENTS! First I absolutely love Sol Flower(don't get me wrong still loyal BUT), I have been going nowhere but Sol pretty much since they opened, recently tho they decided that recreational (SUPPLY AND DEMAND BLAH BLAH) was going to throw a wrench in us medical patients world, I budget a certain amount every month for my MEDS which I NEED due to extreme tourettes syndrome, now sadly I am scrambling to rearrange bills(I'm disabled) in order to afford my meds as the popcorn halfOZshave gone away, as well as bulk discount (REALLY GUYS?) Us medical patients have got you where you are today please show us the courtesy of at least pretending to care about us medical guys!!!!
February 8, 2021
Sol used to be awesome for $70 popcorn half ounces. Know they’re recreational and upping prices for everyone. Medical should always be valued as patients and not customers as recreational is. The fact that your all making us wait in the same line is ridiculous. There should be a totally different system where medical patients get there MEDS first. Seems like common practice everywhere else weed is recreational besides Az.