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We just bought a couple 8ths. $30 each plus tax. Delivery driver was fast and polite. But nobody told him he needed change even though we let them know before he left.
One of the 8ths is great, while the other 8th is so dry and stale it crumbled into dust in my fingers. When we complained (in under an hour's time from the delivery), their response was "that's outdoor weed", as if that makes it ok to be stale and turning to dust. Outdoor or indoor, it has nothing to do with STALE-ASS FLOWER! PERIOD! Every delivery service is going the way of the birds. I'm going back to black market. This shit is absurd, and it happens way too often. Wasting people's money, and taking no responsibility for the shit products you sell. What a joke. Why pay sky high taxes when I get dogshit service? I shouldn't have to twist someone's arm to be treated with some respect as a customer.