Super Silver Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Super Silver Haze.
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This is the best strain for a concert!! I felt energized while mentally relaxed. I saw two Dave Matthews Band shows on this strain. I danced and totally got lost in the music. You'll feel like you're in a "haze". I would not recommend this strain when you want to clean house and get stuff done. This is perfect for total relaxation without the couch lock. It makes you happy and uplifted. Helps you remember what's important in life. Excellent for pain if mixed with a high CBD strain. Not so good if you want to be social and hold an intellectual conversation. You'll zone out and feel the love on this strain. It's almost comparable to a spiritual experience. No racy feeling... Even when the THC is on the higher side. Just a little goes a long way.
I had stumbled across this strain while looking on Leafly, and being a primarily Sativa smoker I naturally wanted to try it. I discovered $25 1/8ths at Bloom in PHX, AZ and it's every bit worth double. DESCRIPTION in ONE sentence: This is the high I have been searching for. I vaped some out of my G pen and I am feeling super good. Alert and energetic, yet stoned and cerebally stimulated in a way I almost haven't felt with any other Sativas before (I usually smoke Jack H., Durban Poison, Sour D., et.) A both euphoric and well balanced high, this bud I would efinitely buy in quantity knowing it would be a very versatile strain. A+!
I take vyvance everday for my ADHD, but if I wake up vaping and smoking super silver haze, and continue to do so, that vyvance is totally unneccessary.
I like SSH as I find that the effects last longer than some other Sativas, which is certainly welcome, especially on days when I can't or don't want to have to medicate every hour just to stay moving and get things done. So solid A in my book.
February 16, 2016
Have tried this strain a few times and I have found it to be quite inconsistent in how it makes me feel, this could also be my fault as my anxiety has been quite bad lately. I feel like this one is good in small amounts or for morning use, but not much else. I find the high to be too racey and fairly short lived, I prefer the ordinary silver haze and I suggest you pick that one up instead for a euro or two cheaper (or dollars if you're outside holland).
August 18, 2015
Joints of this strain by puffin farms are excellent and give a nice energy boost and a little euphoria, yet still leave a seasoned smoker able to function in a relatively focused state. Also, the actual quality of the joint is probably the best I've tried thus far. It burns evenly and is moist enough to prevent it from over-burning. Tastes almost like fresh mint leaves mixed with fresh pot. In general not a big fan of pre-rolls. With that said, I would actually consider stocking up on these.
The flower was beautiful, and smelled oh so sweet, alas though it failed to live up to its standing ovation of a strain. It helped alleviate the stress from an eleven hour day at work, though, I believe the body high was actually quite low. I wished it to show its notoriety for creating euphoria, yet never saw this side to her.
First time ever smoking a Sativa strain and I have to say the difference from anything else I’ve ever smoked was immediate. I stopped smoking weed maybe 12 years ago because I hated the heavy slow stoned feeling. SSH was anything but that - everything I always hoped marijuana could be: invigorating, illuminating, inspiring. Took one hit this morning and I felt alert and social, happy and engaged. Spent some time writing and editing and cooking and then hit the gym. Super great focused energy. Open, relaxed heady feeling. Body felt light and peppy. This was a totally different weed experience for me and I think one I will def return to.