Super Silver Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Super Silver Haze.
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This strain is a complete mood changer for me. It is very effective when I have overwhelming PMS symptoms and feel like I am about to turn into the hulk on somebody. Instead, I grab some wonderful super silver haze and go about my business in a much more positive, uplifted state of mind. One of my top favorites!
Moved into my Top 5 Favorites to look for when I run out. High Energy and Smokes Great! I can't get over how good this strain smells and tastes. If you are looking for a strain to have fun with, you wont be disappointed with this one
I ended up doing a mix bowl.
Super Silver Lemon Haze + Blueberry = Magic!
I had this mix and started out with a great head high and about an hour later the Blueberry Kicked in and put me to bed.
Needless to say I will be back for more!
this is such a great strain....i felt very happy, talking a lot, laughing and just plain enjoying myself.....this sativa strain just puts me in a good place...this is very light to smoke, doesn't have a burn to it...goes down smooth and easy..
There once was a pony named Stony and Stony the Pony loved prancing in the meadow, playing games with her pony friends and getting completely loaded off her pony ass. One day, Stony the Pony and her friend Snoop Dawg were blazing up bowls of Super Silver Haze. They agreed that it was very good weed. It smelled like a cross between her other friend, Buddy Skunk, and a hobo's feet. The buds were as snowy as a Christmas tree in winter. And it got 'em hella fucked up. Oh shit, son! They was BLAZED! Snoop was freestylin' to some Deltron 3030 beats and Stony, well stony was just groovin' right along. Then George Clinton showed up and was trying to mack some free buddage, which was totally cool because Snoop always brings extra and hey, the sharing the kind IS kind! Besides, it was George Clinton! If George Clinton shows up and asks to share your weed, you happily oblige. He's all old and shit, but he gave us Motor City Madness, so that's good for a free joint and a bag of Cheetos. Not those nasty-ass hot one, either, just the classic Kraft Mac-n-Cheese-orange kind; the kind that stains your fingers so when you go to jack off, your johnson ends up the color of Trump's hair. At the end of the day, when the fat ol' sun was touching the horizon, Stony the Pony reflected on her day. "I got way stoned on Super Silver Haze!" she thought and smiled silently to herself. Then the Furrys showed up. The End.
Thoughts as I finish a 2oz stash of SSH: this stuff is pretty much perfect daytime smoke. Keeps you upbeat, energized, creative, and happy - very clinical, effective, 'purposeful' herb ... the smell doesn't immediately give away the potency, but the look sure does. Very frosty herb, inside and out - tends to be light green or even blonde with pale pastel orange hairs; not extremely compact nugs but considerably denser than your average stretchy sativa. Some of my favorite smoke from my trip to Amsterdam in 2004 from the Bulldog, and again back home in the 'ol USA in 2014.
A very good Sativa! Great for writing stuff and to talk about interesting and intelligent stuff(insert anything here and even if you're dump you'll think you say intelligent stuffs!!!) during a party. A great mood enhancer! I'm more an Indica lover but this is some good stuff to have once in a while to spend some good time and change routine! Taste like citrus and slight earthy notes.
Fantastic strain - hit hard & lasted for a decent length of time (2+ hours). Helped with pain, excellent nausea reduction & appetite stimulant. Still took me a long time to get to sleep, but I slept very well (due to pain reduction) once I was out. A definite for my top ten!
I got into cannabis for chronic pain. I have dealt with depression and anxiety/panic disorder as well since I was a child. At 45 years old, I have tried nearly every antidepressant approved on the N. American market. One has been consistently effective for me (Effexor XR), and since starting cannabis, my dosage is 1/3 of what it was. I was always apprehensive about sativa strains due to perceived fear of them causing a panic attack. I must say, Super Silver Haze & Durban Poison have been amazingly therapeutic for my depression, anxiety, and pain. These plants simply make me feel “better;” Not out-of-it feeling, not paranoid, no anxiety... simply a feeling of being able to feel able to enjoy life without too much pain, and the motivation and focus to know what I need to do! I quit consuming alcohol a few years ago, and cannabis (for me) is a method to feel healthy & happy without numbing out or “running away” from the craziness of life.
For me, when I am in a low mood, with sweaty palms, racing thoughts, and significant back & neck pain, and would love to stay in bed for days, Super Silver Haze is a combination of a cool towel on my forehead, a Vick’s Inhaler, a sip of cold brew coffee, and a scalp massage all-in-one. Such a wonderful plant! Be healthy!