Silver Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Silver Haze.
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This review is for the straing "Eugene Silver Haze", which is just a silver haze grown and/or bred by someone local. I guess.
Anyway, the nug is light green, covered in crystals, and smells awesome! I am picking up smells of pine and cheese. Only a weed lover would enjoy those two smells together, I think...
Asked the budtender for a sativa that would be a "head ringer", and this is what he reccomended. This strain is going to hit you right between the eyes!
I would reccomend this strain for someone who doesn't want to go to sleep, but demands an extremely heavy medicated effect in the head.
Very good stuff.
Not like I'm jumping up and down but: Man this movie is the best, and Ed Sheerans song feels like my childhood.
2-3 first ones, expect to get insta couch lock: Don't worry, all will be fine again in 10-20 min. You will feel relaxed, a little hungry.
Have depression on S-Level. This really help me like myself again. Also stopped thinking too much and over analyze everything.
Do not:
- Smoke this to get: "Productive". You will get productive with your chips and movies and that's all the productivity you get :D
- Smoke too much. It's actually pretty strong stuff, and this one especially, made me throw up: If I decide to step over the edge into wonderland, I always throw up. Instead, when you start feeling ill you stop. The hit comes like 2-3 min AFTER YOU STOPPED..
Bless y'all
Very sativa, but not too racey, just a big, smiley, euphoric high. Although it's a very energising and bright kind of smoke, I've never had any problems with anxiety or feeling it's "too much", which I sometimes do with strongly sativa dominant strains. This is just a straight up happy and mellow and slightly excited kind of feeling. And this is probably the best weed I've ever encountered for serious music listening, although OK I wasn't around in the 70s so yeah maybe your Acapulco Gold or your Kona were better. But of the easily available strains right now, this is the one I'd choose for a serious session with some great music. Right from the first hit everything sounds intricate and beautiful. Definitely a head high, and has some of the heavy psychedelic brain-racing effects of this generation of sativa strains, but it's much more relaxed than most of them and has that nice mellow contemplative effect which I don't get with Diesel for instance.
Like it! Good Pain relief and buzz.
Amazing creative high, the amount of thinking that goes on after the first few inhales is awesome.
Oregon Silver Haze from Leaph. Hands down the best sativa I have ever had the pleasure of breathing deeply into my lungs. Complete happiness. This particular strain tests at 34% THC-A. The kief that it produces in absolute insanity. Quantity and Quality. Get it.
June 22, 2014
Damm this shit is good man! After smoking 2 joints with my friend (half and half tobacco and weed) I was tripping. I even felt that I was in 2 places at once. It gets kindof too heavy after the trip though. I recommending starting smoking only alittle ans see how it feels:) When smoked it moderation it is quite pleasing and uplifting:)
June 23, 2014
I grow Sensi Seeds brand Silver Haze #9 as my preferred genetics and it's amazing. Head high with light body buzz. Good for anti anxiety. Very citrusy.
During bloom:
Stretches a little, definitely one to top one or even twice but makes clustered fat tight buds that break apart into long crystally fingers. Flowers in about 65-70 days. Had a 4ft plant in a 4 gallon pot yield well over 2 ounces under HPS lights. Might try to buckle and fall over under its own weight.