
member since 2014

Recent Reviews16 total

Amazon Organics

Nice and simple shop with a wood decor- this is a great 'lil dispensary I would reccomend. They have some unique to the area genetics, and I got some fire buds. Everyone working here was cool, and the meds are great, but be aware that they are not cheap. Those little chocolates they have are HEAVY DUTY. Check them out.

Wickit Weedery

This place is pretty new, and I want to give some constructive feedback to help them out. The meds were OK- but I hope they are working on getting more "top shelf" bud stocked. Use your eyes and nose to guide you. I have tried a few strains, and my favorite was probably the Blue Dream- but it is spendy. The location itself is pretty simple, but it gets the job done. I talked to the dudes, and they told me that the owner is very passionate about the business, and good things are to come. I will check back in once and a while, but I don't feel like I HAVE to go here. Hopefully that will change in the coming months :)


I feel like I am wearing a headband made out of THC. Seriously, though, this is a great strain. I have never had it, and when I found out that a local dispensary was carrying it as a special (Herbal Centre in Eugene) for the week, I had to grab some. At first, I was hesitant, because the nugs were 6.5/10 on the bag appeal, but man am I glad I grabbed an eighth. After about one hour of hitting this herb, I have that great "soaring in the head" feeling that a good sativa hits you with, combined with a nice relaxed indica stone that IS NOT couch locking me at all. Very cool. I would say grab this if you are looking for a high potency strain. I will make sure I pick it up every chance I get. I would not recommend this to new smokers, because it is pretty heady- I could see someone getting some anxiety from it. Surprisingly potent for the low THC content.

The Herbal Connection

Went here for the first time today- here are my impressions! -Med Quality- I want to say there were 12 or so strains available. I scoped them out, and went with Queen (an old favorite), CNDEX (which may be CINEX?), and Headband- the special of the week. I took a bong rip of the head band before I sat down to log in and write this, and right now, I feel GREAT. Not the best taste in the world, or the prettiest nugs (certainly not the worst), but potency-wise, this was WELL worth the suggested donation for an eighth. Awesome. The CNDEX and QUEEN look and smell amazing- I am sure they rock. I grabbed some infused organic oil for my mom (also a patient), and I feel that it was reasonably priced, for what it is. They stock Coma Treats, and have BHO, but I didn't grab any BHO. aI HAVE had coma treats, and they are awesome- sweet-life style medibles. Grab those whenever you can to support 'em. Good people. -Service- Very welcoming- from the front of the office, to the budtenders in the back. I could tell that they are really trying to do something great- they genuinely wanted to grow in the "right" direction. Kudos. The buds were on display in small jars and large jars- the small ones could be opened, touched, and smelled- and the larger ones held the nuggetry. How dare spellcheck say nuggetry is not a word. Take note everyone else- this is the best way I have seen it done. I know what the bud smells/feels/looks like, but no one is shoving their faces in the stash jars, like at some other establishments. -Atmosphere- The prints in the waiting room got me high. Especially the one with the bridge. No-frills, but who needs 'em- it's just a waiting room. Inside, it could maybe use a splash of decor, but there were stools to chill out on, a cooler with some medibles and drinks, and a pretty comfortable over-all layout. I wasn't blown away, but it is as nice, or nicer than any other dispensary I have been to. Over-all, not a bad place. Their donations are on the $$ side (I admit it, I can be a cheapskate), but the special makes up for it. I am pretty "medicated" off that headband bong-toke right now- and I am no lightweight! Judging from what I have seen in Lane county so far- 4 1/2 Stars. Check them out.

Emerald City Medicinal

So, I checked this place out, because like many people, I was out of meds, and looking for a licensed shop. I came in knowing what I wanted- and I told the budtenders that I wanted that particular strain. They put some jars in my face, and I was having a hard time deciding, so they threw out a major deal -- A zip of blueberry for 40% off! They let me smell the jar, and it smelled a little grassier than other Blueberry strains I have encountered, but they did look like dank nugs. I asked them "IS THERE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THIS BATCH?", and they told me no. Well, there is. It is seeded. That's right- I was sold seeded bud (immature seeds, but seeds nonetheless) at a medical marijuana dispensary. I feel duped. I asked, and you guys could have told me- I am sure you knew. Thanks for pushing that bud, I now know what you guys are about. I can't go back, because I no longer trust your budtenders- sorry. Also, for everyone else, med donations are slightly higher than average, but they do give you glass jars, which is probably the coolest part of the shop.

Strawberry Diesel

Pretty good stuff. Mixed it with actual Sour Diesel, and it was a pleasant smoke. Got ripped, was able to still function socially.

Dutch Treat

Pretty strong. This strain smells similar to chocolope, and has an uknown llineage. Smells and tastes like chocolope- pretty tasty. The high is moderate, and probably not the best for morning use, but better for afternoon-night use. Just my .02

Harvest Moon Wellness

Picked up some meds from harvest moon- so here is a fresh and unbiased review for all of my OMMP peeps out there! -Med Quality- All of the flowers are lab tested, and everything I saw looked awesome. Everything was indoor, everything was trimmed and manicured well. I did notice that they had some of the same meds as the Oregon Microgrowery guild, but that's certainly not a knock. Both dispensaries have the same quality of buds- epic. You will get stoned. The concentrates looked shiny (not purged well enough) to me- but I am no expert. I didn't buy any, or even try it out, so make your own judgement. There were a couple of different strains, and it was wax. Medibles were all $5 donations, and they were pretty standard, but hey, they had them, and they work. -Service- The gal who checks people in was very nice- but I will say that you guys lost a point for going all lawyery on me with a liability form. I understand the shop wanting to protect themselves, but I personally think it is over-kill. Budtender was so/so. Nice guy, but didn't really offer any reccomendations, or even tell me what the specials were until prompted. Also- the way the nugs are kept is kind of inconvenient. They are all in locking jars that have a huge label on them. You literally have to pick up each individual jar and spin it around to look at the bud, and then fiddle with a crappy metal latch to open and close it. Check out the microgrowery, harvest moon- that is how you do it. Also, suggested donations seemed so/so to high- don't expect any crazy deals. From my understanding, everything is $10/gr (that isn't on special for $8/gr), and you get 10% off for reimbursing for 1/2 oz. -Atmosphere- Pretty laid back. Waiting room has generic weed books laying around that are less serious, and more for entertainment (not books on cannabis as a medicine, but books on what strains to smoke when you are going to the movies, and the such). The gal working the waiting area was very nice, and carried on a conversation with me. Not easy to do- kudos. Made my wait very pleasant. The sales floor with the medicine in it was sparse, but they had some posters hanging up, and I could see that room becoming something great. There is a lot of potential in this location- let's hope that it grows. Also, I believe you need to ascend some stairs to get to the shop- I do not think it is handicapped-accessible. -Final Verdict- I am personally not going back here, at least for a few months. The strains were pretty good, but I like the display system at another dispensary, and there wasn't enough of a financial incentive to keep my business there instead of the shop that is only a mile or so away. If there were better deals ($50 donations for quarters on a specific strain once a week, or something like that), I might be lured back in.

Silver Haze

This review is for the straing "Eugene Silver Haze", which is just a silver haze grown and/or bred by someone local. I guess. Anyway, the nug is light green, covered in crystals, and smells awesome! I am picking up smells of pine and cheese. Only a weed lover would enjoy those two smells together, I think... Asked the budtender for a sativa that would be a "head ringer", and this is what he reccomended. This strain is going to hit you right between the eyes! I would reccomend this strain for someone who doesn't want to go to sleep, but demands an extremely heavy medicated effect in the head. Very good stuff.

Black Cherry Soda

Bought 1 gram of this strain from a local dispensary. The color is a very dark green- not black, but a very dark green. The smell is amazing. This bud smells like crushed cherries. The taste however is not really something I would describe as pleasant. This strain is peppery, and IMO, harsh. Straight up indica- will put your ass to sleep. Not my favorite- for indicas, you have a lot of tastier options. 2.8/5