Pineapple reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Pineapple.
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Smoked this after waking up at 2 on after pulling an all-nighter. Reversing my sleep schedule plays havoc on my bipolar and anxiety, and also on my chronic muscle spasms and occasional migraines.
I was feeling down and demotivated, with a stress hangover, and it was raining off and on.
One vaporized hit - one - of Pineapple invited a much more tropical state of mind. First impression, smells outrageously delicious. Flavor was pungent - sweet, bright, piney and fruity.
Immediate effect was of initial cloudy headiness followed by a powerful cerebral lift, which transitioned into an urge to do stuff, though not much focus for uninteresting tasks. This one is a little bit racy for me, bordering on almost too energetic. I assume my CBD oil helped here to prevent anxiety, and I chewed a couple peppercorns just in case.
Very uplifting, and once I transitioned into a relaxing activity rather than chores, I felt more at ease. I had some soy yogurt and fruit, and enjoyed a blissful, two to three hour high, landing gently back on my feet.
I didn't find the comedown to be harsh or abrupt, and I didn't feel wiped out afterward. Felt refreshed, relaxed, and uplifted for the rest of the day. Kind of like a piña colada on the beach, Pineapple was sunny, bright, and relaxing.
Those with anxiety may want to take care with this one, as it does have a caffeinated feel.
I'm surprised by how hard this hits me as it was not one of the higher priced strains at the dispensary. I feel like this strain it about 50/50 Indica/Sativa as I get a very strong head and body high. After a couple of bong hits, I felt very euphoric, uplifted, somewhat giggly, and also had a heavy/stoned body high.
April 22, 2012
I purchased this as an outdoor strain on 4/20 from a dispensary. It was the bottomshelf $20 eight. I was skeptical but I enjoy it. The high didn't send me into outer space or make me completely stupid. Very mellow and clear-headed. I don't how much being sun-grown accounts for this, but I approve. Also had a great citrusy clean taste.
Pineapple, on it's own is a pretty weird kind of high. The combination of having a perfectly clear mind while my body is seriously buzzing is totally unlike any other strains I've tried before.
However, I tend to enjoy mixing my strains just to see what different types of a buzz I can engineer. I've discovered that about 80% Pineapple with 20% Blue Dream is a a five star high that is probably the best I've experienced in 45 years of imbibing.
I've only had the vape pen version of Pineapple, and it's amazing! I have PTSD and the anger cycle can be horrible, but one single hit from the vape pen and I'm back to being me. :) I also get migraines, and this knocks it out with no rebound. Even coming down is easy and smooth. Definitely recommended if you also need to medicate in public, but still need to be stealthy and functional.
It tastes like pineapple, so it's like smoking candy. This stuff puts me in a wonderful headspace, giggly and silly. I smoked some and went to an open mic night, which allowed me to really feel the music and empathize with the performers. Plus someone stepped on my foot and I didn't care at all.
Also, if you or someone you know has Tourette's Syndrome, my boyfriend smoked some of this and his moderate tics stopped completely.
After the law passed in California over the summer where all the flower couldn’t be sold unless it was tested, the day I went to my club they were throwing away almost all the weed and all they had left was an 1/8 of Flow Kana Pineapple. It was only 17% THC so I was a bit skeptical but once I got home I posted up outside with my dog and gave it a taste. Boy I’m glad I bought it, this put me on my ass. There wasn’t any skunky smell to it at all it smelled like straight candy, very sweet tropical flavor, also had an earthy taste to it probably because it was organic and grown outdoors. Definitely one of the best strains I have ever smoked. If you live in Northern California check out Flow Kana they have some fire!
Great for giggle fits with your friends. I also love to smoke this in the morning and then make a big gourmet breakfast for everyone to share. :) good feelings!