
member since 2017

Recent Reviews3 total

Sour Tangie

Absolutely delicious. Seriously, I vape nicotine, and I would buy a Sour Tangie flavored juice. Tastes like Tang, and lemonade, and everything citrus and sweet with a little pungent diesel. Anyway, I tried this in a vape cartridge a while back and wasn't a huge fan, mostly because I had also recently smoked a Durban Poison cart and this one wasn't as massively uplifting or speedy. However, I'm closing in on 24 hours of a terrible migraine. AK-47 didn't help at all. No OTC medicines, sleep, ice, dark, etc made me functional. Sour Tangie did. I will keep it forever in my medicine cabinet for that alone. It didn't cure the migraine, but I feel a lot better after micro dosing a couple times.

Blueberry Muffin

First impression, unbelievable aroma of vanilla-scented, lemon zested blueberry muffins. Not a straight berry smell, but juicy, slightly earthy, and bright. A sniff alone is uplifting, and I've found myself opening the jar to take a snoot just because it smells so damn good. Initial cerebral pop before transitioning into focused, calm, still-lucid ease. For me this is a great working strain, though as time goes by the eyelids get a little indica-heavy. I feel more at ease socially with this one, and I feel laugh-out-loud giggly and cheerful by myself too. Not excessively introspective - and I am very sensitive to that. Not too much sleepiness or couchlock. Very functional, not a heavy stone for me at all, especially vaped on lower temperatures and keeping in mind that a little goes a long way. Good for: deadline anxiety, depression, daytime, productivity at home.


Smoked this after waking up at 2 on after pulling an all-nighter. Reversing my sleep schedule plays havoc on my bipolar and anxiety, and also on my chronic muscle spasms and occasional migraines. I was feeling down and demotivated, with a stress hangover, and it was raining off and on. One vaporized hit - one - of Pineapple invited a much more tropical state of mind. First impression, smells outrageously delicious. Flavor was pungent - sweet, bright, piney and fruity. Immediate effect was of initial cloudy headiness followed by a powerful cerebral lift, which transitioned into an urge to do stuff, though not much focus for uninteresting tasks. This one is a little bit racy for me, bordering on almost too energetic. I assume my CBD oil helped here to prevent anxiety, and I chewed a couple peppercorns just in case. Very uplifting, and once I transitioned into a relaxing activity rather than chores, I felt more at ease. I had some soy yogurt and fruit, and enjoyed a blissful, two to three hour high, landing gently back on my feet. I didn't find the comedown to be harsh or abrupt, and I didn't feel wiped out afterward. Felt refreshed, relaxed, and uplifted for the rest of the day. Kind of like a piña colada on the beach, Pineapple was sunny, bright, and relaxing. Those with anxiety may want to take care with this one, as it does have a caffeinated feel.