Panama Red reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Panama Red.
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February 26, 2016
i've seen a few different seed companies that offer panama red strain and wanted to grow it this summer... one of the reputable local dispensaries got a batch in and i bought an 1/8 oz last week..... the kind they had was very well grown and fresh (always a plus because a lot of dispensaries have dry buds that been sittin around for 8 months not sayin thats bad i just prefer fresh buds) anyways... very unique smell, hard to explain but very sweet and fresh.... woke me up just takin a wiff off the bag... only other unique smell flowers i seen are Jack Herer and all the other buds basically smell the same to me...breakin it up you can tell its potent because it's pretty sticky, rolled up a small joint... smoke is really tasty kind of has a harsh tinge to it at times but has a strong dense smoke to it... almost magical... great sativa and gets me baked... goin back to by as much as i can this weekend...
I like strains that get me the results without slowing me down or having me "feel" high (okay, there are times and places for strains that make me "feel" high, but not on my daily smoke). I don't like being cloudy. So I really like this strain. It gave me the energy, relieved me of the omnipresent anxiety for a bit, and I didn't get fogged or twitchy.
It's not often that I go out of my way to pursue a Sativa, but when I heard this was in town, it was impossible to resist. Having only heard stories and seen a few pictures of this legendary strain, I of course had my expectations set quite high, if you'll pardon the pun. I must say, I was not disappointed. Sweet, sugarcane inhale, with a rich earthy exhale, the euphoria bit my head and heart in a way I don't really think I was expecting, as it wasn't the almost jittery energy burst one expects from Haze or Durban. Onset was immediate, and lasted for a solid 2hrs, leaving me waxing philosophical in conversion with friends. Anxiety became an afterthought, in fact I found myself smiling, thinking about what this must have looked and smoked like before all these fancy cultivation and manicuring techniques got involved. Either way, I'm glad to see these genetics haven't been lost to time, because this is definitely worth sharing with the best folks you know. Truly a legend.
There are several legendary varieties of cannabis that some of the more honest members of the baby boomer generation (you literally came of age in the mid-late ‘60s & very early ‘70s … we know most of you smoked weed, at least, in your hazy, crazy college and early adult years … those of you that hypocritically lied about it to your kids while telling them to stay away from drugs didn’t do them any favors at all) recall extremely fondly, with a nostalgic twinkle in their eyes, waxing poetic about how the legendary genetics of yore got you high, filled you with energy and euphoria, were incredible in social situations, and fueled your more creative and outgoing sides (read: free love), with no stony, sleepy, or downer effects of so many modern stains (Afghani, Pakistani, Iranian, & mostly Central Asian / Himalayan Indicas wouldn’t hit the States until the mid 70s, at the earliest, and most arrived a good while later). That’s because those legendary strains were virtually all pure or occasionally crossed landrace and heirloom sativas - and, sorry to burst your bubbles, but many had total potencies of 16%-20%+ or more, up to 25% total THC, Delta-9-THC, & were more likely to be high in rarer cannabinoids like THCV, a stronger and speedier homologue of THC, being tropical sativas, with potencies just like the majority of today’s cannabis. However, there are indeed many modern hybrids that when grown well and cured properly, can have total THC homologues & analogs that give them a potency as high as 26%-30%, & even a bit higher. Legendary Mexican, Central, South American, & Caribbean Sativas like Acapulco Gold, Highland Oaxacan Gold, Jamaican, Honduran, Panama Red, Colombia Punta Rojo, Santa Marta Colombian Gold, Chocolate Colombian (aka Wacky Weed, one of three Colombian landraces crossed to make Original Haze, & was once one of the most common varietals in the US, especially in the 1950s, but is now most likely extinct), Several Hawaiian landrace Sativas, such as Maui Wowie, Big Island, & more, Several Southern Asian Sativas, particularly from Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Nepal, India, The Philippines, & several African Sativas like Angola Red, Red Congolese, Black Congolese, Ethiopian, Kilimanjaro, Nigerian, Malawi Gold, Kwazulu, Durban Poison, Coffee Gold, etc. with all manner of different names, made up the majority of strains available in the US in the 1960s and 1970s. In particular, sativas from the Americas, Hawaii, & Southern Asia (mostly due to the Korean & Vietnam Wars) tended to be the most common in the 1960s. Acapulco Gold (with a natural potency of 23%-25%), Panama Red (with a natural potency of 17%-20%), & Santa Marta Colombian Gold (with a natural potency of 16%-19%), were some of the most infamous 1960s landraces that are still available today. Panama & Colombia were one country until 1903, & Colombian Red (Columbia Punta Rojo) & Panama Red are widely considered to originate from the same or mostly the same feral landrace cannabis populations. Of the three, Panama Red is the hardest to find today, particularly because it’s extremely rare in its native Panama. However it is still available from some serious seed collectors in the US. Of these big three Mexican, Central, & South American landraces, Acapulco Gold tends to get the most attention, possibly because of its potency, & possibly because it was so much easier to get than the other two. But as someone who’s fortunate enough to have seeds of all 3 in my collection, as well as a huge library of other landrace genetics from all over the world (a massive shout out to SnowHigh Seeds, ACE, Reeferman, Dr. Greenthumb, Cannabiogen, California Connoisseur Genetics, Anesia, Bodhi, Indian Landrace Exchange, Tropical Seeds, World of Seeds, Seeds of Africa, Afropips, Khalifa Genetics, Mass Medical Seeds, & many more, including innumerable individual collectors & the many old timer hippies with some seriously amazing seed collections - all of you are legendary for your landrace and heirloom preservation efforts!), genuine Panama Red has the most phenomenal effects of the 1960s legends. Finding genuine Panama Red is fucking hard work. Of the 9 different seeds I was gifted or bought that claimed to be Panama Red, only SnowHigh, California Connoisseur, Reeferman, & Dr. Greenthumb’s were the real deal, with extra love to SnowHigh, Cali. Connoisseur, & Dr. Greenthumb for having the best representations of the original. SnowHigh’s Seeds aren’t easy to find anymore, but if you’re able to, snap them up. Especially those with pure original landrace genetics, or landrace genetics in the mix. Most other genetics companies Panama Red aren’t available at all anymore. Not real Panama Red. ACE & Anesia both have Panama seeds that are a cross of 3 Panamanian and Colombian landraces and are excellent, but aren’t true school Panama Red. ACE & Anesia do both have several genuine landrace beans in stock however. Panama Red is euphoric beyond description, with a long lasting, energetic, creative, vibrant, & very heady high. The best individuals have a unique citrusy, grapefruit scent and flavor on top of the earthy, spicy, herbal, flowery, and tropical fruit notes. Snowhigh’s Panama Red Deep Blue Pheno (good luck hunters!) is the best I’ve had, with red sap & brick red hairs, the former extremely rare in even genuine Panama Red genetics, but indicative of the highest quality, real deal Panama Red & Colombia Punta Rojo, the latter a good sign you have genuine Panama Red or Colombian Red. If you’re lucky enough to come across a bank with some of Snowhigh’s Panama Red or Colombia Punta Rojo genetics, regardless of the asking price, absolutely snap them up! It’s some of the best herb you’ll ever get to experience in your life. And if you one of your parents or grandparents are baby boomers, even if they’ve denied using cannabis (uh-huh … fucking sellouts), this will make their mouths water for that legendary 1960s classic cannabis they never thought they’d ever get to experience again. Much easier to find, are Mass Medical’s twice released Acapulco Gold seeds (in 2019 & 2023), & that he’ll likely release at least one more time. I’m certain they’re still available from at least a handful of US seed banks. They’re genuine, & they’re 🔥. NOW GET HUNTING!!!
Another review of a very famous landrace variety. This strain was imported from the Panama Canal region. I enjoyed this strain several times from 1975 - 1979. It was imported , hard to obtain, and pricey - about $ 100 / oz. The buds were medium in size, red /brown in color, and had a few seeds. The imported strain had a unique taste and an unforgettable CREEPER high. Have not seen strain since 1980 , probably due to the Noriega regime. Potency was outstanding ~ 20% . One bowl of buds produced a 5-6 hour intense sativa high. Two bowls were hallucinogenic!! What I remember most about this strain was the very unique high- way better than Colombian Gold or high end Mexican sativas. The high had a quick onset but kept building and intensifying for over 2 hours until you were impossibly stoned. No other strain has had a creeper type high as intense!! Not a social strain - very introspective and intense. This strain produced intense thirst and very , very bloodshot eyes that got redder as the high intensified to an alarming extent - you were very obviously high..Thoughts were difficult to form / racy, euphoria was intense, and mundane tasks could not be performed. Everything took on a cartoon appearance - people and objects appeared flat, every gesture appeared hilarious, Not spiritual or soaring like Maui Wowie. A different but wonderful psychedelic high - in my personal hall of fame.
Panama Red is a euphoric experience which will leave you anywhere between laughing hysterically at your film of choice and contemplating life from the most metaphysical plane you've ever been on. Having been a smoker for some years, this is hands down one of my favourite sativas so far. Whereas some can (often pleasingly) come on with a full-hitting head-dizzying high, Panama Red leaves plenty of space for your own personal thought and leaves a deep-seated feeling of happiness and incredibly enhanced perceptive ability. A rare sunny day here in the UK morphed into an endless parade of sunshine and beautiful landscapes. I would definitely, without a doubt, recommend this strain. The only negative is that for those used to super intense highs which prevent you from functioning, this might a little outside the norm. You can 100% get to work/get out and about/focus through this weed, ften feeling fantastic about doing so!
I am old school.I had my 16th birthday at Woodstock. Never thought I would see the day I could walk in and buy weed legal. So you can see how happy I was to hear one of my favorite strains was available for my consumption. It really takes me back as I enjoy the smooth flavor and what can I say about the high.I enjoy smoking it with my old buddies while listening to the great music of the sixties.
Amazing sativa effect. Uplifting, energetic euphoria. Awesome day strain. Felt extremely positive and motivated. Very functional. Could be a great strain for depression. Long lasting with a long, smooth comedown. This one was from SMMA, and I'm really hoping they get it again.