Alaskan Thunder Fuck reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Alaskan Thunder Fuck.
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while it does help with my bipolar 2 it also helps with my ADHD as well so I consider this a plus. however I don't smoke mine I ground my flower up and make a tea out of it. it takes about one tablespoon to make a gallon of tea or cannabis infused water if you wish to call it that. and it usually takes a couple days in sunlight. at which point I then add some Kool-Aid flavoring to it. not everybody smokes the stuff some of us were raised on it in the form of tea infusions or as an additive to chocolate chip cookies and brownies. it is far better to consume it than to smoke it. it stays in your system longer that way and you get more of the potency and the effects.
As someone who gets paranoid and anxious on a lot of strains, especially Sativas, I found this strain surprisingly relaxing! It gives me energy but grounds me more to the present moment without worsening my anxiety or giving me intense paranoia. Slight tingles, very uplifting, feels like a very clear high. One of my new favourites!!
(Smoked live resin concentrate from a dab rig)
Kinda nasty on the palate. Decent sativa effect.
Right now, 7AM, and I'm dabbing ATF distillate.
But in 2002 I was in Anchorage, Alaska, parked overlooking the Knik Arm of Cook Inlet, watching a bud's trichomes sparkle in the moonlight. There and then it was called Matanuska Thunderfuck. The Matanuska Valley (and river) are adjacent to the city of Anchorage, I lived in Juneau, worked for the government and was in town on business. I was stuck there overnight due to fog (over-flighted), and went looking for smoke, which took about all of 5 minutes. It's Alaska. So the bartender that turned me on to it took me out to smoke, and we were sitting there in her car at the overlook, smoking & whatever.
I'll never forget that night; the overlook, the woman I was with, the uplifted feeling of the MTF, the sparkle in the moonlight, and the feeling that everything was going to be alright.
I've smoked an assortment of ATF from different growers and dispensaries, but I have yet to come across one that doesn't get me extremely elevated. It's like a hiking trip in a bong rip. ATF always gets me ready to the climb to the highest peak on Denali and exclaim, "Alaskan Thunder Fuuuuuck!" Wow! Great cerebral qualities that hit nearly instantaneously, abounding energy, pain reduction/elimination, appetite increase; also, optimism aplenty. I experienced a sharp drop in cerebral elevation approximately 40 minutes after administering ATF. I've seen ATF look extremely Tricome-covered and white as snow, and I've smoked some of the low grade examples. Though I've experienced a phenomenal effects from the low grade version, I recommend try the real deal to acquire a more well informed idea of the potential ATF has for combating some of the ailments mentioned above. Also, the flavors I've tasted in ATF range from spicey-citrusy to diesel. When it comes to flavor and odiferous qualities, ATF certainly is a heartier strain, than most sativa-dom hybrids; but, the physical and mental effects make it worth journey. ~Thanks for reading and remember to like and follow~
This strain is ok, hear MANY good things about it but I really don't think its what its cracked up to be. Its good yes, very mello Sativa buzz. But I think that maybe a personal thing since i like body buzz/head buzz at the same time more. aka mixture
Like a virgin. Alaskan thunderfuckked for the very 1st time. Ohhh, yea, like a virgin. Remixed with 22 positions in a one night stand. That sums it up ladies and gents. This pussy cat is all that. Hear it rrroar. It'll put hair on your chest. I grew cahones I swear.
April 29, 2015
Alaskan Thunder Fuck is a very nice strain. While it kept me wanting to take a walk, I also felt very relaxed. It is best to do with friends, while it is also good for alone use. 10/10, would use again.