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my grandma had gone in to get me something because, I had to do paperwork, and she got herself some edibles, she was told that the cookie she got had cbd, but was not told that it also had THC, and alot of it, anyways her reaction to THC is to get major anxiety, so after she ate the cookie and it had kicked in she had a panic attack and thought she was dying, I had to call 911 because I thought she was really dying, anyways turpentine gave us a discount for the next purchase to be 30% off but I really don't think that's compensation enough this experience had caused alot of stress and I had to sit up all night open hoping my grandma wasn't actually dying, she was ok with just the thirty% but I am not I think we deserve more especially for how traumatic that was for me.
Amazing customer service. Morgan was so cool and knowledgeable. Laurel (have yet to meet in person) was great on the phone answering my many questions. This place is filled with rock stars!! Great space with one of the best selections that I have ever seen. Actually felt respected as a medical customer and their medical deals support that. This will be our only dispensary that we use from now on.