Wonder Woman reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Wonder Woman.
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I picked up some flower this weekend and have been very pleased so far. A heady high, sativa dom, it's great for giggles and sleep time. I wouldn't say it couch locked me but I wouldn't do it before I drove a race car.
also I don't drive race cars.
Well put together hybrid genetics, so so in most places I have seen it. Huxton and Monarch are not one of them, theirs fit the category of "damn that was done right" and thats all we're looking for at IRIS, sight, smell and high all in one (a rarity in the #azmmj market. Kudos to Monarch and the obviously strong grow crew at Huxton. Pharmagrade,👍💯💯💯
Fantastic to smoke. Looks beautiful, very strong as well. It tastes amazing, and smells the exact same way. I rate this 9/10
Def not better than the willys wonder I had but I only got a lil taste of this. Def a strong sativa effect even when crossed with another strain like this hybrid I sampled...
Just picked it up.. Uplifting and relaxing 😊
This stuff is truly amazing. I smoked one bowl and got so much done around the house, I even baked a cake!! I was Wonder Woman!!
July 2, 2016
nice dense nugs, and a exceptionally good any time of day high.
May 19, 2016
the buzz was a 5, but it was a bit on the Anexity inducing effects list for me. Real headzie, with some visual effects? Maybe it's just too powerful for me? Had a real edgy buzz to me?