White Russian reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain White Russian.
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November 22, 2017
Last month I had some Jack Herer, and it was supposed to wake you up and give you energy. This month I tried White Russian and let me tell you. Th EXACT opposite. It was a mellow high that made you relax fully. Smelt and tasted like White Widow, but brought me back to the AK days. I highly recommend it, no pun intended.
March 19, 2018
I get nostalgic every time I pick this train up which is once in a while. Before the legalization Santa Claus would leave me an ounce of this in my stocking every year as a little girl. It brings me back. I'll always have a soft spot for the strain. If you take too much you will be hanging out with an elf in your backyard.
Half joint already burned and im already high as a kite. A must have for every weekend indeed.
Been a while since I smoked this with a friend. All I remember is we hit it up about 4pm and we were good for the rest of the night. We were younger smokers then than we are now, but man it was a solid high! I remember wanting to talk to my buddy but we were both too into our movie of choice, Pineapple Express, to really say much and that made me a bit anxious but nothing too out of the ordinary.
November 18, 2015
I just started growing these two. this pic is about six weeks into veg state.
Love this strain, has great flavor and aroma kinda citrusy with mine. Has a high thc content but makes for great daytime meds. I use for anxiety and stress.
August 2, 2013
got baked out of my mind... was tripin balls. liked it
I'm mostly used to smoke weed that makes me lazy, so energizing strains like this one are a welcomed change for me from time to time. I really liked the clear-headed and focused high it gave me. In fact, after smoking White Russian it was the first time that I was able to do lots of work and fulfill all my duties after I had weed. That feeling of accomplishment while being high was something new to me and it felt super nice.