Trop Cherry reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Trop Cherry.
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I found this exceptional for my ADHD & anxiety. I was uplifted and stoned without feeling drug down. Def will be in my rotation often.
Very smooth strain, not harsh at all on the lungs. Way more on the fruity side, not danky or earthy at all. Not a sleepy strain, it’s just a calm, relax, little buzz, type of strain.
This is a sneaky strain!!! It’s got a fairly low THC % but when you see it.. OMG! It’s legit purple and it tastes amazing. Great morning/daytime bud as it’s not overpowering and the pleasant flavor is a nice start to the day
August 11, 2023
This was a good strain. Some strains get me paranoid and have anxiety when it's just grown wrong or pesticides up who knows wtf is wrong when they grow em. BUD THIS STRAIN DID NONE OF THAT looked up the details 60% sativa and 40%indica the staring I got was 20%THC with 0.09% CBD it's perfect it has a lil CBD for the paranoia and anxiety and the sativa hybrid just gets u nicely lit good strain I like it if your like me. Hope top crop gets more strains like this with the percentages in THC low with some CBD in it works wonders for people with health issues.
Have had a lot of strains purported to taste like "fresh squeezed orange juice" but Trop Cherry is the only one that truthfully tastes like a delicious cup of fresh, never from concentrate, no pulp orange juice. As far as effects, Trop Cherry is the best of both worlds: clear energetic focus paired with physical neutrality. Great for morning and afternoon consumption.
Trop cherry may very well be consistently my favorite strain of all time. i’m so lucky to work for a company which grows an outstanding trop cherry flower. wrestling with both depression and anxiety can make medicating with cannabis tricky, but this strain is wonderfully balanced for what i expect out of my cannabis. i can achieve a boost in motivation without the overpowering anxiety. not to mention it’s incredible fresh citrus flavor! this is a strain i recommend mixing with any other strain to make any joint taste fabulous. all hail trop C!!!
Some of the effects took longer to feel than others. I took 2 hits of this, and initially I felt very focused and energized, also confident, like I'm ready to take on anything. After about 5 minutes (I have a high tolerance mind you) I felt my whole body start to relax, and I felt a sense of calmness and ease wash over me. I was still somewhat focused but I couldn't ignore the relaxation. This strain isn't necessarily euphoric, but the relaxation feels like it in a way. I felt some tingles in my face and torso as well, just slightly, as if the Tropics themselves were kissing me on my face. A pretty cool strain, good for work, as it helps put my mind at ease and let's me talk to people. It also put a stop to the aches from my last few doubles I worked. A good, functional strain, that might get you fried if you hit it enough.
Very unique musky tropical smell and taste, this one is a great mood booster and for just overall mental clarity. Not heavy at all, good for anytime of the day!