Tangerine Dream reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Tangerine Dream.
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Smells great (like tangerines)
Got a couple nugs to smoke my dad out fot the first time. Very nice citrus taste and an interesting high. May have just been because I took couple dabs while buying the nugs but overall a pretty nice strain.
A wonderful fruity smelling strain that smells just like mother fucking tangerines. I wanna shove it up my nose. Its a bit of a creeper, so this dream may turn into a nightmare for you if you smoke too much in one sitting.
2 draws from my vape and in less than 10 minutes my pain level went from 6 to 1, also a feeling of lightness came over my body. That is pain relief people! This is a great choice for pain, a word of caution though if you dose to often you will feel dizzy.
Everything about this bud is powerful. Taste, Smell, aaaand especially the high. Made my whole body tingly, almost shaky. But socially it's great, and it put me in a very happy and positive place. Some gnarly dry mouth did happen, but it made grocery shopping fun. Took me 10 minutes to pick out a cereal. I went with Captain Crunch (with berries).
February 1, 2016
This strain is pretty good! Got an oz for $145, has a very citrusy smell and taste to it. Burns very nice and flower looked nice and powdery.
trojan horse yet hollow,, but killer of tyme effective
We have to admit that this herb taste awesome!!!! It's like tasting a brandy coated tropical salad. If you ever smoked or vaped Tangerine Kush, it's almost the same except without the Hashish-like notes but still sweet. In term of buzz, trippy cerebral at first but fast you'll be couch-lock. You have to control your dosage a lot with this one. Too much for me in fact. I only loved the first half-hour on this one.