Space Runtz reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Space Runtz.
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Wow. Had a friend who went to Ohio, said he couldn't stop hearing about runtz strains. Picked up a zip, brought it back home. I got an 1/8 from him, rolled 2 blunts, smoked one. Tastes amazing, not really like weed tbh, kinda fruity, kinda Herby. The effects were crazy, I was couch locked for hours, I put on some Netflix for a while, I was laughing at shit that wasn't even supposed to be funny. Eventually I started seeing tracers in my vision, like a droste effect, if you know what that is, but as the frames of vision go in, they move delayed, so like the biggest one was normal speed, got slower as it went in towards the center of my vision. Once I started to come down got real talkative, even helped with my social anxiety a bit, I was talking to everyone in my phone. Amazing experience, would highly recommend, fair warning though, this WILL stink up a 2 mile radius. I smoke a 1.25g blunt for these effects, after 3 days of one session a day directly after a t-break, just for reference on potency/tolerance.
I smoke everyday and there’s been only 3 strains that had me on my ass, ATF, Green Crack, and this Space Runtz. Green Crack, I was in high school so ofc I was high, ATF, brought me back to that feeling, but these Runtz??? First time in a long time I had to put a joint out half way. I came upstairs trying to make a beat, but instead I fell asleep💀I know why they call it rapper weed now.
A potent hybrid which slowly carries you along for a suave, guided ride of focus and relaxation. And then, you’re transported into a state of tranquility in which music becomes heaven and the warmth of your bed becomes just a little more delightful than normal!!! I recomend this strain for cooking, eating, watching a movie or listening to music.
yo this shit put me on ma ass to this shit was some za im ngl shit had me clapped i was playing mw2 while smoking i felt baked asf everything was moving slow
I'm a long time smoker. 40 years.
I've smoked a lot of pot that made me cough. old saying.. you don't cough you don't get off. This is not.
happy head high.
happy happy Joy Joy.
This might be useful in my quest to lose holiday weight.
back to dispensary before they sell out this batch.
Takes a little bit to kick in and hits you like a train.
If you want to achieve a full body high, i highly recommend Space Runtz. I have been smoking basically 24:7 for 6 months and have never felt as good as a did after a few bowls of space runtz. If you’re interested at admiring your buds like i am, this strain is perfect. The bud structure is tight and compact, and the colors are wonderful. If you like purple weed you will like Space Runtz.
Pretty Groovy!!🥰💜🦋🎶💙🌹👑👠
So it smacked me in the face!! In a good way.
Intensified my hearing or something.. I sang to my cuz on a txt msg. Played it back and I only heard it as a whisper.
Creates good focus but not the kind that you can do any chores with. This is more focusing like REALLY GETTING INTO A TV SHOW.😳
Truly love it’s flavor and smell. It’s like a burnt marshmallow..
Mellow yet starts at the head and flows down the body. 🥰💜🦋🐼🥸💕