Sour Apple reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Sour Apple.
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Def up there on my list for best flavors! It’s smell gives it’s name away instantly. I would have given it a higher railing if its high was longer. You feel super good on this strain; or at least I and my friends did! Talkative and silly- we had a great weekend brought to you by Sour Apple!
Migraine pain comin on; nausea 6 when I medicated round 2300 or so. Takes bout 5 min to start working. Pain/nausea gone. No anxiety/paranoia (a must for me). Actually tastes like sour apple; how cool is that?! Body & head high heavy which is what I wanted. Passed out quick after dis one; you're gonna go to sleep! Highly recommend for nighttime use for pain/nausea! :-)
November 24, 2015
had it didn't like it. you get a faint apple taste but the effects are very short and mild. I would need to consume more of it to achieve a basic flow. which is a bad thing to me
It's fine. Very light body buzz. Just not my thing.
Smoked about an eighth of this in less then a week. Good shit.
This damn cutie pie. Smells soooo good, like sour apple air freshener. Cant really taste it because of the backwood, but the effects 😁
It allows you to get whatever you need to get done but once you sit down or lay down, you're more than likely gona go into a slumber.
Smoked this bad boy twice once in the afternoon (took a nap) then at night (ate a shitload then passed out to a wonderful sleep)
Got it for $6 /2gs at one dispensary yesterday,
but if youre ever in Portland, go to Floyds Fine Cannabis for the cheapest deals i got this today for $5 an 8th.
You simply smell the bag and "WTF is in there? Apple tea?". Strong apple smell and flavour, with a soft base of lemon. The high is not heavy, but relaxing and chillin', best for afternoon or early evenings. Could be more strong for beginners. Really good shit for chillin in peace and forget every problem. Feeling stressed? Apple is here for you. 4.5
This one has an almost narcotic-like body numbing that I love.