Skywalker OG reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Skywalker OG.
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Skywalker OG was amazing. I had the indica-leaning version, which is what I like. The high was great! It made me happy, giggly, relaxed, and a little hungry. I can turn on a comedy show or some bloopers and have a great night until it's time to hit the rack.
I don't usually buy Vapes but I got this 1 Gram Vape of Skywalker OG for $17.50 and it was The Best choice I ever made! What a Vape cart! It actually gets you medicated very well and burns very slow too! I would recommend this to Any Indica Vape users who love to have a Good one around to have for yourself to puff on in your spare time!
Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you’re my only toke. I needed another hybrid for daily use to help with my anxiety and restlessness and boy was I pleasantly surprised. This strain took me from “everything is great, man” to a severe case of the giggles to “I am the happiest I have ever been, wrapped up in this blanket burrito.” Light smoke will get your motivated, heavier will make everything right in the world. One of my favorite hybrids so far.
July 21, 2017
First review ever because Skywalker Og is the TRUTH!!! I smoke all day everyday & I search for the best strains. This one has my undivided attention.
Very calming strain. Sedating and good for after dinner to unwind and get a good nights sleep.
This made my body feel like way much relaxed. It reminds me of smoking weed in Burlington NC. I always smoked great weed.
Legend has it, Skywalker OG comes from a Tattooine landrace and a Dagobah Kush. You'll be making rocks float and seeing Qui Gon after a J of this. Unlike strains from the same galaxy like Black Mustafar, which is a lung scorcher if there ever was one. It causes extreme paranoia, anxiety, just a shitty strain.
Unlike Skywalker OG which is like having a lovely stroll through the Light Side of the Force, making you feel one with the universe, as well as hungry and tired as shit. Very euphoric bud. Definitely try it if you come across it. My batch was 32% THC. It's a powerhouse
my personal FAVORITE bud to smoke, gives you everything for a “classic stoner” experience; dry eyes, munchies, giggles, extreme comfort. worst part about this strain is i kinda get paranoid if i let myself get in my own head. NOT recommended before work. ABSOLUTELY recommended for a good weekend hangout.