Ringo's Gift reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Ringo's Gift.
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I recently had back surgery and this helped me more than opiates. The opiates made me extremely sick and this helped me curb the nausea and the pain better than anything else. Was nice relaxing strain. Kept me in a creative positive mental state which is needed for proper healing. Was able to quit cigarettes with this vape as well. Surgeon is impressed with how quickly I am recovering from an L4 to s1 fusion. The taste reminded me of hookah. Definitely a favorite CBD strain to keep on hand. Trying sour tsunami next as they were out of the ringos gift. PSA keep CBD on hand to help bring you back to reality if you get too much psychoactive effects from other strains and edibles.
September 7, 2016
If you're having any trouble with anxiety or stress you should try Ringo's Gift. Completely relaxes you and the anxiety and stress just melt away. I love these high CBD strains.
fantastic.. mellow.. perfect for me
The only psychoactive effect is being woken up and having slightly more energy than normal. Goes down easy and keeps my legs and seizures at bay.
CBD oil very helpful for fibromyalgia and neuropathy.
I am small person, if use more than 5 drops at a time, get wicked headache
Wonderful for nausea and after-nap aches
This is a review for home grown with seeds bought from Pacific seeds exch. online. I was fully expecting this to be a CBD medicinal for pain with minimal to no psychoactive effects. My experience was quite different... unlike the description, I was glued to the couch! Within 5 minutes it immediately put me into a waking dream state, very disconnected from my body & cycling through states of more aware of my surroundings to completely unaware in full-dreamland with time dilation/distortion. Luckily it did not take me to paranoid or anxiety at all even though that's usually where I go with THC strains. So, this absolutely had a massive psychoactive effect for me. Moral of the story: There really is a variance in how much THC this strain can have, so make sure that the one you get has the effects that you're seeking. If you're getting seeds and growing your own have someone test its effects before using it for medicinal purposes, especially if the person who wants it medicinally does not want psychoactive effects. Lastly, The description here says it's popular in clubs overseas - I can see that based on my experience & that must be for the higher THC version like I ended up with. The time dilation was strong, with 5-10 min feeling like an hour. I ended up listening to Greatful Dead music which helped direct my experience more positively, kept me more grounded & reduced the time dilation effects.
This strain is the best of Harle-tsu and ACDC. It's great for pain and relaxation. Doesn't get you "high' just really helpful for pain.