Purple Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Purple Haze.
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April 13, 2019
I love this strain although it makes me a little less social and awkward in public because of how it hits you. It’s very strong and a creeper at first but you feel it rushing through your head exactly like Jimi Hendrix’s hit song 😂😂😂🤘🏾. Definitely a good one to get super stoned.
unreal. my favorite strain. good for dates, good for showering, great for writing, good for work, good for eating, good for running, great for singing, great for everything! an all-day strain, for real ✌🏽
This one is GREAT for anxiety, great for music (you can hear the layers of music which is something I always look for). It gives you a euphoria and peace. I imagine this is what the original hippies set out to achieve with this one, felt like I should have a sitar and draperies. Not racy, just chill vibes.
Feels good man.
I would first off like to say I've not grown this, I got some from a friend who imported some here to Sweden from California, where I had some great stuff, so this is one where I review without mentioning me growing it(but I just sort of did). This made me a bit creative, however my mind was far too gone to do so, it was almost psychedelic, it was difficult to quite music on this, however music didn't just sound like music, it felt like music, I felt it causing pressure in my head, for the most part I wanted to sit down, but my mind was not as rested as I was, I decided to drink some Finnish vodka, wine, Schnapps and beers. For those of you who are a bit more experienced, you can tell where this is going, Sativas like this and loads of alcohol equals a very bad time cleaning up vomit the next day, I'm Swedish and I couldn't drink on this, Indicas are since then my drinking strains. Besides that, it's a great holiday strain, relaxing but still not inactive. Also, Jimi Hendrix.
I picked up a half ounce of this on the cheap side, I don’t usually do that because it just sets ,Ed up for disappointment. However I am a huge Hendrix fan so I couldn’t pass it up. I was pleasantly surprised, the flower had a great taste which I can only describe as purple. I suffer chronic stomach disease and this helped a bunch. I was even able to eat. Anyway this is a great strain. Hopefully I can find some top shelf sometime
This was a find. Just happened to see the name writing on a jar. I asked ad yep! It’s old school grown Purple Haze.
Glad I picked this one up. Wow. 1969!
Maybe I'm not the stoner I thought I was... this one just made me feel stuck in myself and stuck in time like I was never going to get out. Made me extremely paranoid and yes euphoric but not at all in a good way. If you're a beginner I dont recommend this strand at all.