Pure Kush reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Pure Kush.
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Note: i use a Volcano vapororiser; consider for strength/duration estimates.
This strain helps a great deal with my chemotherapy side effects, especially the lack of appetite and nausea.
Mainly body stone: w/o total couchlock, but a couch is a good thing to have nearby.
Smoked this with some friends and everything became nice, from watching the rain to watching the sky to watching Getting Dough With High! :D
Very medicinal, it always gets me very sleepy and hungry. Little to no body sensation, but will get twitchy. Again, its a very medicinal.
Not the potentest, but great for stimulating (regulating really) the old appetite and those annoying slipped vertebral discs with all their clicking and cricking. I love this for controlling dosage. Tasty like a big juicy cheeseburger, hence it is very very satisfying to use. Takes two joints to turn back pain into a dull roar. Thanks God and Pope Francis for the pure kush.
I like this strain, I don’t usually smoke indicas. But question, does it make anybody’s nose burn when smoking? Or is it just me?
This is a hit straight to the face type of high. This can knock out the most seasonal veteran and can make a bad turn to a Green day rq I recommend this for anyone. Leaves you feeling tingly and nodding off it's couch potato time even after half of a blunt or if you feel you can do two be my guest the sleep was worth it.
The flavor of Pure Kush can not be denied, even down to the last hit you still have a rich taste. Incredibly thick smoke, take it easy smoking this as attempting to "champion" hits will merely get you coughing for minutes on end. The high from this is pretty heavy, if you can make it off your couch you might notice it has a strong euphoric element to it.
The high with this strain was otherworldly. It starts with a pressure at the top of your head. It then melts/spreads to your face and then slowly adds a body high. REALLY skunky as well. It was almost in my tops with gg#4, Skywalker, and the edible high layers, but the dryness is no joke man. Extreme cotton mouth, and my eyes were so dry i could hear my eyelids dragging across them as I drink. It killed my pain, but i felt like the crypt keeper afterwards 😂 still it was worth it. Just make sure you have nothing to do afterwards.