Pineapple Jack reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Pineapple Jack.
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If you suffer from vertigo this should help a lot.
Also you may find yourself in a great mood - euphoria and relaxed but not sleepy level relaxed.
I have a candy apple here and eating it is going to kick ass.
Absolutely amazing for pain sufferers, i suffer from chronic nerve pain and this was recommended , after using this i was left feeling relaxed but productive and the pain was gone it was amazing because some of the strongest drugs the doctors give me dont help .I would absolutely recommend this to anyone who suffers from pain to definetley give this one a try!
November 27, 2016
super tropical strange aroma. Tastes sweet and earthy at the same time. Cured nausea quickly. Filled me with enough energy to get all my tasks accomplished. Buzz lasted for several hours which allowed me to conserve. Great cross!
April 2, 2019
Great flower high. Very euphoric and overall sense of contentment.
I have a full spectrum pineapple jack 1 gram live cart by redbud roots got it from rize in Menominee Michigan. As soon as i hit it . I thought jack hererrer instantly that ceader citrus skunky flavor . Hits u in the head but not to the point that your peaking out your windows from being paranoid . This strain is great helps your anxiety without making u super tired. Don’t pass this one up if your a jack herrer fan or like uplifting buzz
My review could be pages upon pages of a memoir I have written of my own accord. But to even try to put five words describing it would do it quite an injustice. So as I write this, after taking a nice quick hit of Pineapple Jack and high as f***, just have fun and be safe; it's one hell of a ride!
I do suffer from Bipolar Disorder, as well as A.D.H.D. I can honestly say it helps with both depression and manic poles, but sure as heck does not help A.D.H.D. As I cannot focus on one single topic, but it can help with A.D.D as I can definitely focus on each topic separately for significant amounts of time.
Amazing strain!! This strain is very uplifting and puts you in a very great mood! It's not a wild mind racing sativa which makes this a good strain to partake in if you have anxiety, I would recommend this to people with depression, it just lifts your spirits! I recommend this strain for everyone actually, even beginners!
Decent head high. Great with music.