Mr Nasty reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Mr Nasty.
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I just cracked open a fresh 8th of this from the dispo, was packaged 2 1/2 weeks ago and my god is it strong, beautiful high and helps my back pain quite well without making me couch locked.
Really light and refreshing high. Pungent and pleasantly smokable. Still able to think and socialize but feel just empty in the head enough.
It makes me high and cures my depression and my cancer and my h-aids and syphilys truly Mr nasty
First of all, I love your site. I use it often! I have never left a review on any strain I have tried, though almost all have been pleasant experiences. Let me tell you after trying Mr. Nasty for the first time, I felt compelled to. So, it is said that this is an Indica dominate strain, but unlike others I have tried, this is no sit on the couch and fade away weed. For seasoned smokers by the 3rd hit, hard to put into words, you feel like effervescence is happening in your brain, and you realize just how high you are, as George Thorogood said," you're pretty high." Then I go for the 4th hit, on exhale a high set in that last for a good while, But I didn't feel like sitting on the couch to enjoy, I was dancing, literally. I went from dancing, to playing with my cat, so much fun! It finishes with the classic Indica feel...sitting and enjoying the buzz. For a new smoker or an occasional smoker all I can say is, buckle up you are in for a ride!! If you get to try this strain, do it!!!
Never tried it before. The smell was DELIGHTFUL. It has a very strong diesel taste though, which is the only downside for me. However, the high is nice. Not overwhelming or anything too bad. Definitely gives you munchies and a very nice tingly feeling leaving you uplifted and euphoric. Usually Indica makes me worn out and sleepy but this is great. It also made my migraines totally disappear. 8/10 would smoke again. :)
First time writing a strain review, and Mr. nasty moves me to do so! This is by all accounts and measures my absolute favorite Indica of all time; PERIOD!
Mr. Nasty has an opioid-like affect on my mind and body (think Oxycodone). It's amazing for pain, it's amazing for sleep, and it's amazing for simply chill-laxin' with music! Did I say it's AMAZING!?!?!
If you get the opportunity to experience this flower, do not pass go with this one!
🔥🍁💨Oooooh, the Mr. NASTY, it got me😶🌫️🫥👻
Smooth and tasty. Put me in the best mood after a long hard, anxiety filled day!!! Love it!
great indica with huge relief