Mendocino Purps reviews

Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Mendocino Purps.

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March 14, 2017
I'm a huge fan of purps! Great for stress and video games! It Brings my anxiety down like a champ! And that right there is worth it to me!
December 17, 2018
I am like a lot of people with Severe PTSD, don't want to keep telling you I have this debilitating condition that now runs my life.y age is 37, I am tired of explaining to doctors so I started smoking Heavy Indica and CBD , like 5PS By Phat PANDA, KIMBO KUSH by Avitas and lately finding UW strain by BLUE roots. now Mendocino Purple* is my number one choice for my body's reaction, I instantly feel my walls come down and all the possibilities of the future are bright. I can feel comfortable no pain from my body being so tense and having neuropathy also,this strain is by far my God's answer to me for something not PRESCRIBED by a DR that wants you on medicine that dulls the pain, being taking off my prescription that worked to exchange for two because the Dr. thought I would better on those. well after two job loses and my dog having to be put down I don't like dr.s orders they are not human friendly just bottom line friendly. Marijuana and the healing effect and effort made to find your own healthier choices than calcifying your pineal gland. Try smoking this strain,you can hear I am out of the strain or I would of been too relaxed to write this testimonial.
January 13, 2019
Wow!!! I deal with a severe case of RLS (restless leg syndrome) and Graves' Disease. Between the two of these pain and insomnia are a constant struggle. I always lean towards Indica dominant strains since Sativas are too stimulating for Graves'. I tried Mendocino Pups for the first time today and it blew me away. No marijuana completely eliminates RLS, but this one makes it bearable. I would agree with some of the reviews that this one is pretty strong for the novice. Start slow (one hit) and see where that takes you. It does come on pretty strong, but levels out after about an hour. Helped me to relax, took a lot of my joint pain away. On a lighter note, it was a but arousing if you know what I mean. ;) On a good day I can see how this would be a very creative high. Also good to chill and watch and movie or play video games. This is one I will try to keep on hand as part of my med kit.
July 31, 2010
Known and named for its place of origin, Mendocino County in Northern California, "The Purps" as it is commonly referred to came to me in the form of tight, popcorn sized nugs, almost completely deep purple in hue, and frosted heavily in resins and thc. Its aroma in the jar is light and citrusy, almost haze-ish. THe buds break easily and pack well, leading to a lungful of heavy white smoke. THe high, for me, came almost as a creeper. About 10 minutes after sampling this strain on a clean palette, it hit me like a purple monkey driving a purple train down some purple tracks to Purpsville! I was outdoors and everything snapped into focus around me, and I was left giggly and happy - and not bogged down and lethargic, even after several tokes. Purps for the win!
April 2, 2015
I was in a car wreck yesterday, got home after and smoked a bowl of this to be able to shower and go to the hospital, I kid you not, this stuff did more for my pain, then the morphine they gave me at the hospital. It is top grade for pain. Turned out I had a fractured T10...
January 24, 2017
Another great strain for medical users. It brings a blankness to the mind that is like getting a breath of air from anxious thoughts. I enjoy how easy it is to achieve the body high in this one, as well as how long it lasts. It definitely turned off the chatty channel that my husband and I are usually stuck on, and it was nice to enjoy a relaxing quiet evening at home together in each other's company. I still feel like I could get up and go if I needed, but I also feel relaxed enough that I am confident that tonight I won't be staring at the ceiling until 5am thinking about existential crap that gives me anxiety. Side note: Cartoons (Pixar-type animation in particular) are great to watch with this strain.
November 26, 2021
Bought 1/8 of this limited availability special with 10% THC just out of curiosity to see exactly how important of a role THC content plays. I was very PLEASANTLY surprised that 1/2 of a 0.7 gram joint was just right. Effects weren’t immediate but after a few puffs the first effects began to make themselves known. For me, this strain provided 1. Relaxation without making me tired, drowsy or couch locked. 2. Calming relief from stress & worry. 3. Pretty dang good pain relief for my arthritis, fibromyalgia and diabetic neuralgia. 4. An enjoyable and enlightening session of philosophical but creative thinking. 5. Good relief from my Complex PTSD typical sensory triggers (unexpected sudden noise, high activity environment & crowds or chaos). A testimony that high THC content is not nearly as important as potent terpenes in the end user satisfaction.
September 25, 2013
I had the chance of seeing the purps grown at a friends house and loved the look of the plant at the end of flowering. It look like the plant was incased in glass. Couldn't wait to sample...when I did I was shocked by how smooth they smoke was. About as harsh as a Newport. Didn't think it was hitting me at first. Then sometime between walking to the kitchen and back to my room I was on another planet. Best strain I've ever had and I've been smoking for 25 years.

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