Mazar I Sharif reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Mazar I Sharif.
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Smells,tastes and looks UhMazing!!!
One of first strains u grew years ago" wasn't bad at all...but soooo many new strains are out that just blow a lot of the older stuff away. But then again, can't go wrong w skunk#1 !!!
April 19, 2011
I haven't tried this yet, but SoCoMMJ (Southern Colorado Medical Marijuana) on El Paso St. is having a special on 4/20, Wednesday. It is $90 a 1/2 oz.!!!!!
August 29, 2012
An excellent indica for nighttime relief and relaxation. This is one of my favorite 'go-tos' for when I have a difficult time sleeping. Body and Mind = Zzz...
good not great, has an amazing smell and taste, gets me kinda burnt out high, and a little pricier then I usually like, but not by much
fun full body effect. puts the song back in my soul!!! Raven at az nat peoria was very friendly and pleasant. def my fav disp. so far.
August 31, 2013