Lemon Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Lemon Haze.
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I solved a fucking rubics cube for the first time today with this strain! Naw, I'm kidding, but I did solve a boatload of problems and did a control, alt delete on my brain. Fuck I needed that! Oh shit, I almost forgot that I also got supernatural fucking abilities.
smooth, great room filling smell. Uplifting anxiety free high
This strain was very nice, the second I opened the container it already started smelling strongly. Also, the smoke is smooth and tasty. The weed has a quick onset, and a strong one. Makes you think, and makes you uplifted, it's a VERY nice strain.
Energizing and cerebral. Medical relief was adequate but not outstanding, and took a while to take effect. Great for day-time mild pain relief. there are better options for nausea.
Friend and I shared a king, had about .75g (I am a lightweight when it comes to smoke) and could not move. Laughed so much, very strong stuff - it could have been grounded more, but it was still some of the strongest stuff I have ever had.
Had some pineapple and strawberries after, they tasted amazing, so good :')
I would recommend to anybody,
Enjoyed it
-Giggly af
-Great smell and taste, zesty,
-Good to pass around with friends
-Heavy munchies
-Severe dry mouth
-Burns fast
Conclusion: Wouldn't recommend but it was a good time 4/5
#1 sativa for me. Mellow yet energizing. Euphoric yet grounding at the same time. Perfect daytime smoke. Helps with my bipolar and Adhd, where as super lemon Haze is tolerable but it exacerbates Adhd at least for me it does.
Tried it a few times in the past few days. Very, very strong and psychedelic. Flooded with thoughts, and brought a lot of confusion as well. I'd relate this strain to Coffee but with a lot of paranoia and uncontrollable thoughts. One positive thing I noticed is while at the gym I felt very very motivated. Great for physical activity, it will push you to keep going. While on the treadmill I zoned out staring off in the distance and the whole room started decomposing. If you like trippy LSD type highs, try staring at one point when on a high dose of this, it's wild.