Lemon Banana Sherbet reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Lemon Banana Sherbet.
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Fun relaxing sativa high.
Background: I smoke 3-4 times a day with .5 to a gram on each blunt for 20 years.
Amount per joint: .5 grams.
Time of Day: This is a great morning drug. It’s has a light head and body feel. I felt light on on my feet. I’m constantly standing or walking all day.
Taste and smell: it look beautiful and the smell has a light citrus feel. The inhale taste is not harsh and has a citrus taste to it. No harsh feel on your lungs after each pull.
Key point: The important part about this strain for me was coming out of work. No anxiety to go home and smoke. My trip home from work has been great. I could actually do other things after work without the feel to smoke. Even if I have nothing to do, I could actually get myself settle at home before smoking.
If you looking for happiness in the morning, this strain is it.
it’s a very relaxing strain and it tastes good. i taste more of the lemon than the banana. the high is very chill and happy.