Island Sweet Skunk reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Island Sweet Skunk.
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Excellent aroma smells super skunky, but then turns minty in the flavor. Hits hard and lasts for awhile. Really lets you focus and get into whatever you're doing, and keeps a smile on your face while you do it.
This is good stuff lol.
If you like Cinex, you'll really like this one. Big grapefruit taste... kapow! Powerful, sour, tangy 🍋. Moving and focused are the best description for this strain; good daytime puff.
My homie put me up on this and my wife immediately fell in love with it. She said it reminded her of weed in Hawaii-- I took a few hits and grilled out...Made the best chicken quarters ever!!! The skunk smell is pretty potent, but at least I had no paranoia. This will be my summertime go-to strain for relaxing.
Gud for party
February 29, 2020
My God, I didn't even get a buzz. what a junk strain
I bought this with some rewards points that I had at the dispensary and I’m so glad I did. I usually stick to indicas at night but I like to treat myself to Sweet Island Skunk on weekend afternoons. I have a pretty high tolerance so I can hit this quite a bit when I’m working around the house. The smell and taste are yummy! It relieves my anxiety and makes whatever I’m doing more interesting. Really helps me to sit still and get into movies.