Ice Cream Cake reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Ice Cream Cake.
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Consuming a small amount has caused the constant anxiety in my chest to leave. I had been living with the tension from constant stress so long i forgot how it felt to be calm. I was able to sit down at my desk and work on things i gad been putting off for a long time, and i was able to detach and understand the bigger picture, as well as grasp abstract concepts in my research.
I have moderate to severe MS spasticity & this strain relaxed the tightness in minutes.
I loooveee this shit lol evn tho it make u horny ASF
This strain tastes heavenly. Hints of sweet vanilla are overwhelming. Sweetest strain we’ve ever had. Definitely an indica.
I'm having an issue finding anything better than Ice Cream Cake right now! Been getting it from SWC in Tempe and I hope it becomes a regular stock strain. Tastey and ohh soo stoney!
I’m 24 (bipolar, OCD, PTSD, anorexia) for those who use for medical effects. I’ve smoked cannabis for 6 years and this is my favorite strain for it’s effects (first priority) and not to mention she is gorgeously purple and she smells PUNGENT. It will easily brush away my anxiety like it was some kind of joke and makes socializing very easy. I can feel my always-tense muscles start to relax like magic, it kinda burns but feels good like a stretch if that makes sense. The munchies hit harder the more I smoke it seems. The best part is at the end of the ice cream cake high, when I can finally sleep. I feel like a melting slab of butter on hot, steamy toast. Peace yo❤️
I infused 3.5mg of Ice Cream Cake into 1 cup of brown butter to make cookies. It smelled lemony sweet while decarbing in the oven. I eat a quarter to a third of a cookie at a time. The effects take a little longer to hit than I'm used to (30-45 minutes rather than 20), but when they do, they hit great. My body feels very relaxed, made of bubbles and fizz! My mind, while a little buzzed, is still functional. I mostly just feel happy! Higher doses do make me a bit spacy, but I'm still mostly functional. Great for relaxing, relieving anxiety, and getting intimate. I think it'll be a good strain for PMDD and menstrual cramps: I have yet to try it, but I'm confident it will work for me. The combination of the luscious body high and uplifting, but still functional, head high is so relaxing and makes Ice Cream Cake my favorite strain so far, hands down.
got this strain from Tahoe Hydro in Las Vegas, preroll out of Acres, THC was about 18 percent, this one’s trippy, starts off as a headband and eases its way down your body. it’s definitely a smooth chill vibe..
WOW is this good for sleep. Oh my god do not pass this one by if you're looking for good sleep. Remember how you used to go to bed as a kid as soon as you hit the pillow? This strain does that. It doesn't force me asleep, like melatonin would, but guides me into it when I'm ready. I wake up rested, and I never feel that way. It's great for taking a few hits, turning on YouTube, and falling asleep within a couple hours not out of exhaustion, but because you're truly lulled to bed. I haven't had that sensation since I was a kid.