Humboldt Dream reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Humboldt Dream.
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really potent. would only recommend for experienced smokers. great for the evening time after a long day, and packs a powerful body high along with a sense of creativity and well being. good flavor with hints of berry and a kick of spice that tingles your tongue. great for pain relief of any sort and if you’re feeling down this strain is sure to brighten your mood. 9/10 4.5/5
Grew from seed directly from HSC. A bit gassier than expected, a little bit fruity. Certainly not as fruity as her cousin Blueberry Muffin. Very potent, I’m not an experienced grower and this is much stronger than anything I’ve bought at the dispensary.
Slow come up with a very heady stone that eases into a relaxing body high. I timed my grow to have cured buds on 4/20, so here I am giving you my long awaited first experience with it. I am an experienced smoker and a couple bowls before a hike today pushed me into uncomfortable territory, so dose accordingly! 10/10 great strain, HSC is s***ting on everyone else’s genetics right now.
This strain did the opposite of what's described. It gave me so much energy. I was cleaning the kitchen and then play wrestling with my dog at 11pm. Also it didn't give me the munchies, the last thing I wanted was food. A very happy stain.