Hog's Breath reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Hog's Breath.
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"BLUEBERRY HOGSBREATHE" is by far the best strain i've had yet....had me very clearheaded, and stress free. my backpain was gone and i actually felt like i was totally floating...this is the best euphoric effect i've had. takes the word "HIGH" to a different level, and not much is needed. toke up!!!! -acquired from "the greenery caregivers"
Bizarrely named, but easily one of the heaviest creative stones I have experienced recently. Great scents, dense nugs, overall a great smoke.
Total sleeper strain. It tastes very much like moss... it's an odd, earthy, but yet smooth and consistent flavor. After a nice J, I was faded. It's got a nice kick on the backend. I would have rated higher but the flavor is boring and plentiful.
May 12, 2015
This is actually a review for "the Hog" which is a southern staple strain,it's an Indica in effect mostly but its cerebral enough to bring doubts about marriage to your 2nd cousin .
awesome body and cerebral high. very cheddar taste. gives me and my bro the worst paranoia though.
This helps to relax my tense, injured muscles.
It's earthy & light; Smells kind of like when you peel bark off a fallen tree.
Very tasty, very relaxing, potent.
When properly extracted it smells and tastes like berries! Such a great muscle and mind relaxant, but flower smoke does smell more sour than most, if you can get past that then you've got a great medicinal strain.
November 7, 2015
Sativa side felt very strong. A little sure went a long way. Got a little too high the first time just from a bowl. Backed off the next time it was pretty incredible. Felt like the hair on my head was standing straight up. Took care of a bad tension headache. A must try. Maybe a bit too much for the likes of me, though.