Herijuana reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Herijuana.
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Love this strain.. having Crohn's disease this strain has been a huge savour for me.
April 5, 2015
Mk ultra is the only other indica that I know of that can compete with this
very good for pain & sleep for those with HIGH pain levels. long lasting high. wears down fast, after a few days
This is a long overdue review, and I have written this a while ago but forgot to submit it to Leafly. I doubt iMedz still has this on their menu at the time of this submission (8.5.2014)
I was lucky enough to find this in concentrate form, and I've also had the flower before. The effects and aromas are comparably identical. I sometimes refer to this as the "lead-band", because I had the feeling of immense weight on my head. Time after time, it's as if my neck cannot support the weight of my head, and I often slouch. Up to and after the peak, the same effects persists, but by this point I am slackjawed, almost-drooling, and eye lids turn to lead. There is no other strain of cannabis I've tried that delivers this level of debilitation, over and over, and leads me to think it's rather difficult to build a tolerance to this. But, then again, I tend to prefer sativas, and only keep 1 or 2 indicas around at a given time for the purpose of putting me to sleep.
I took off half a star because, as this is a review on the concentrate, it had moisture and turned into a sappy, sugary, opaque goop. I even asked the budtender if this shatter would auto-budder or get soft over time, and he retorted "Hell Naw!" I should've took that response for an omen, because those were my exact words when I first discovered it buddered! I vaguely remember the looks of the budtender, but I won't put him on blast. This was acquired from iMedz San Jose by the extractor alias 'Nuthin but Nectar'. It was untested. I usually don't get untested meds, but this Herojuana suits its purpose perfectly for those insomnia nights. Even if it's potentially tane-soup, it's still a pleasure to smoke, yes I confess. The taste is unforgettable, will stick to your palate for a good hour, and stink up the room whether it's concentrate or flower. Every time I vaporize it, I smell a hint of something different.
Great strain. Highly recommended for its aforementioned purposes. But would I get it from that dispensary and extract artist again untested? 'Hell naw!'
This strain is a great muscle relaxant, helps a lot with anxiety and stimulates an appetite. This strain has helped me so much.. I’ve lost so much weight from being sick last year its been hard to regain an appetite to gain the weight back.
Herijuana is life!!! Whatever you believe in be it science, a higher power or a goat named Fred Thank it for this wonderful medicine!
It relieves my severe muscle pain w a nice tingly body feeling. It gives me the euphoric feeling I had heard so much about but as a new med patient had a hard time finding. I feel happy and like I can handle life.
It does give me a glassy, red, heavy lidded eye look, so probably not a great daytime med. unless mixed w Harlequin. That combo is the most amazing I've found.
As a clueless extremely low tolerance patient the trick I learned is if a strain smells delicious to you like you'd eat it out of the container your body will like it too. Don't give up on finding it.
Splurged on an ounce and a half a few days before undergoing a moderate surgical procedure. I noticed that I didn't feel the need to use NEARLY as much narcotic pain medication after smoking a few hits throughout the day.
It's not the best-smelling bud, especially compared to strains like blueberry or something like that, but it's pretty earthy, with a hint of skunk.
The aftertaste is not bad at all, and it's the best strain I've ever found for pain relief!
This is the most powerful strain I have ever smoked in my life. This is the only strain that after four pulls I am satisfied. It made me feel so calm that my body was almost numb. It also made me sort of sleepy towards the end of my high and helped me fall asleep. Unfortunately I haven’t found anywhere to purchase it by me, but I would pay any price for this! This is top quality if you are fortunate enough to get this do yourself a favor and buy it. It is worth every penny and I promise you will not regret it.