Green Goblin reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Green Goblin.
Green Goblin strain effects
Green Goblin strain helps with
- 37% of people say it helps with Stress
- 30% of people say it helps with Anxiety
- 27% of people say it helps with Pain
This info is sourced from our readers and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Seek the advice of a health professional before using cannabis for a medical condition.
Green Goblin reviews
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🎶...7 STARS..Good morning! Wake'n Bake'n my Chronic Fatigue away with GG..feelin' groovey.. peaced-out Quiet, Uplifted, Calm, Creative, Elevated, Mindful & Focused_ Arthritis/Chronic Pain is lessened now soo I am ready to goooo!..Feeling Free-Clear-Minded, Assured, Enlightened, Intuitive, Loving, Compassionate..a Great healing day aHead..*Thanks to Marjoe of YHS for the spot-on recommendation😍... Arizonas Green Goblin Sativa is one kick-ass herb, superb grow!..Be well, Many blessings__Please Legalize for All WoMankind...🎵🚀.....
Once again the folks at Cherry City Compassion nailed their recommendation - after I told them about my arthritis pain, Seve pinned the edible spot on, one of the peanut butter kief bars, and Wylie(sp?) recommended Green Goblin and dude - the pain's gone, completely. I would strongly recommend this medication to anyone suffering from arthritis pains. To my surprise tho, no paranoia at all and I feel quite "euphoric", like i could just keep typing and typing, etc...that's probably the 2nd strongest characteristic that sticks out, other then the pain relief of course. This is definitely a pungent smelling strain, very unique too - musky/citrus with a bit of jet fuel underneath it. On the inhale I could taste the citrus-fuel again, with an added kinda woodsy/licorice taste, good stuff.
Buds: Very pungent smell almost like a strong diesel. The buds in general were fairly decent size with lots of trichs and very sticky. They were a bit fluffy but for the most part there are practically no stems.
Smoke/Quality: We rolled a joint of about .75 just to get a test of it. The first few hits had almost a sweet kind of taste. The joint burned evenly and extremely smooth. A very tasty strain to try. Every hit tasted great.
High: Starts out with feeling of the common sativa energy and then evens out to a nice semi-euphoric uplifting stone. From there it evens out to a extremely happy/giggly high. Great bud for munchies. Everything tastes great. Lots of cotton mouth though so bring a drink.
We wrote this while blitzed. Didn't take a whole lot to get very VERY high.
I did a few bowls and didn't feel high so I did a few more and then I hit me like a train. After 4 bowls I was high off my ass and could barely walk. I became paranoid and lost all track of time. Time seemed to slow down. Eyes got extremely dry. When walking in the dark outside in the breeze I felt like I was flying.
First and foremost I feel I need to preface this by saying I only vape when consuming flower so it may color this review in one direction or another. I just want to put it out there before someone says they had a completely difference experience. Full disclosure I use The Crafty for my consumption and set the temperature to 185 degrees Celsius so I don't assume to know which exact cannabanoids I have avoided. For the record I felt the need to write this review high off this strain.
The brilliant thing about this, is the name. It sounds like Green crack. I don't know if that was intentional, I would gather it would as to show its lineage from Skunk #1, which incidentally is where Green Crack comes from. So I came into this thinking it shared alot of the same qualities of Green Crack. I bought an Ounce (thats right, no typo) of this from Gale Green House on 6/28 for $100. So I was thinking at worst I would get "Green Crack Light" for a discount but instead I literally get Skunk #1 transform into Northern Lights.
So it is not at all similar. To the smell to the high, taste or bag quality it doesn't at all remind me of Green Crack.
Green crack taste and smells like lemon while in this one I can only pick out Wood.
THC Level appears to be lower in Green Goblin maybe a tad bit less than 20%.
Also, the high for Green Crack is instant while Goblin is more of a creeper.
The intensity and length of the high of Green Crack stays pretty high for quite a long time, while Goblin takes time to peak and only last for 15 minutes at most while quickly diminishing.
The scary thing about Goblin is when forgetting something I begin to feel sad, which is different from Crack in that G. Crack recognizing forgetfull-ness is reacted to with a "fuck-it' type of attitude.
The Northern Lights part just kicked in. I am starting to feel stoned but a mellow stone where I begin forgetting things. I could see how people are saying that it can cause and exacerbate a panic attack or panic prone people. I beginning to feel like little shots of time have been lost but my brain is making me worry why I don't I go back and go after it. I am really gone...The last bit and distinction with Green Crack, is that Green Crack is a productive strain where you can go out and study or get shit done. ... There's no way I could see myself getting anything done after this.(in retro-spect I got this done, high off this strain).... It went to stone phase quickly.....This is not a Sativa but rather a Hybrid.
....* big astericks (just zoom) any phrasing mishaps or general grammar fuckups could be attributed to (again) I am high on Green Goblin writing this review.....
I got 5g for $25 and figured it would be a good cheap wake up alternative to Super Green Crack and I would still be able to work.
I cut a tiny nug in half and tossed it in my bong and dropped some cubes in. Took two dry hits. Surprisingly i had enough left to take one and a half more bong hits.
The structure held up very well and the production was very good.
Three and a half hits out of such a small amount was great but i took in a bit more than I planned.
This didn't give me as much energy as I expected and it got me higher than i expected...this feels more like an all day weekend strain and not at all like a productive energetic strain.
The focus is fine for focusing on one thing but not good for multitasking, communicating with people well or feeling motivated to leave the house.
This is a good strain to smoke immediately when you get home from work but not before work.
June 23, 2015
Picked up a Quarter Ounce a couple weeks ago and i'm glad i did. The strain really leaves you feeling super euphoric and happy and content just listening to music for hours, leaves you with a amazing feeling and the come down is nice and relaxed, without a doubt one of my new favourites
I love green goblin, it is one of my favorites! I have been smoking regularly (at least 3 bowls per day) for 6 years now and out of all the different types of chronic I've tried I would put green goblin in the top 3. I am enjoying some as we speak! It takes a special kind of bud to really get me high now, but this does the trick! I have been getting very high all day and I love it! :)