Green Crack reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Green Crack.
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February 6, 2014
A speedy, hard to keep up with, but chilled out high. Tingly faced and pleasurably numbed out feel. Tempered chest tinglies. I feel fruity and pulpy. It's heavy, but the right amount of heavy - not oppressive or couch locky. High functioning while still being gone. Really otherworldly. Superb zone out and absorb compelling things. Probably best outdoors, in museums, and the like.
Couldn't tell you how bad my pain was (mostly 5-6 this week) or what time it was as I tried this strain a couple of days ago. I can tell ya I was pretty nauseated. I was not disappointed when I medicated. Pain/nausea gone. Don't remember tasting much. Head high strong enough but not too much. Body high dang near perfect. Energetic, got some stuff done round my home. Love me a good worker bud! High lasted bout 2-3 hours but dint quit on me quick. Effects tapered off which allowed me to fall asleep for the night. I did crash hard when the effects did wear off. Highly recommend for daytime use. :-)
I have Crohn's disease and Green Crack dose wonders for me! It helps me w/ Pain, spasms, appetite.. and nausea. Love it!!!
October 24, 2014
I just don't understand the reviews that our bad for this strain! I'm a heavy smoker & this strain is the bomb! Energetic, Talkitive, focused & tastes like citrus. Best strain I've EVER had to date.
I hit this in my pax in flower form. I got it from Indian Trail Farms in Machias, Maine. Ive been having trouble getting going in the morning. She got me up and moving. Organizing. Cleaning. I organized my alcohol alphabetically. And baked 2 different baked goods. All while rocking out to my playlist with a smile. Sweet Jesus I will be picking more of this up tomorrow.
January 21, 2024
I’ve been hitting sativas HEAVY for a year and just got around to trying a few different brands of green crack and it’s fire! Top 3 sativas. If you like this, try Incredible Hulk too. Clear head high with a manageable low body high. Energized and focused and add some coffee and it’s Good Morning!
I usually avoid Sativas due to anxiety. I decided to try GC because of the reviews here, and I’m not at all disappointed.
I have more focus, more concentration, and more motivation after smoking this than any strain I’ve ever tried. This has become my “get things done” strain of choice.
Me and my family call this one our Ol’ Reliable. It’s the first strain I was introduced to, and it’s the one I always fall back on when I need to get things done and eliminate distractions. Just a few puffs of Green Crack and I’m ready to get the day’s work done. Must-have for anyone with ADHD, depression, executive dysfunction, or all three. It’s not too remarkable in its taste, but its effects are hard to compare.