Ghost Train Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Ghost Train Haze.
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gt haze. once again a fav. try in co2 oil. all haz s are just great
Great sativa type effects, uplifted, focused energy; this would be great 'work' or 'social' weed.
Mostly head effect/pain relief. Had a little body buzz but seemingly not much pain relief or muscle relaxation.
I have to stay in a creative head space for work and have been looking for a good sativa. So far, this is easily the best one I've found for keeping my thoughts active and opened up. Specifically, Ghost Train clicks well with verbal output, I'm not sure how it would go with other activities, but it has been working effectively as catalyst for writing. I have sensory sensitivities and GT can amp those up a bit, so I have to use this at times when I can stay in a low key environment (but that has been easy to arrange). The euphoria can be a bit of a coffee-like rush, so I've learned not to use it at night, but there really haven't been any noticeable downsides. Timing seems to be key with this one. It keeps the chain of word output in a focused state, so I would recommend this to any writers out there.
(Concentrate) Great strain! Love the lime taste. Easy to overdo it on this one.
June 28, 2019
It's like waking up in the middle of a forest after a short rain. Maybe there's a citrus grove nearby, or is that the ocean I smell? .....something reminds me of flowers but I don't really smell flowers.....Put on some DIIV, go for a walk in the sun, wave in slow motion, everybody loves you.....*Excellent day medicine for lumbar spasms, or life-in-general spasms, melts away the bullshit, heavier dosing at night is so great for writing or painting or watching Game of Thrones (again), and you'll sleep well if for no other reason than you're fulfilled, in balance. This stuff puts you right in the zero point so you can remember how it feels to be yourself. Enjoy. Create something cool with your freedom. :)
Ghost Train Haze is one of my all time favorites (along with Super Silver Haze and California Orange). If you like citrus flavored Sativas this is an awesome clear headed daytime high. Well grown bud will have dark purple leaves and bright white trichomes.
GhostTrainHaze is hands down the best sativa i’ve ever smoked! I rolled a blunt and purchased a cart of this same strain; the blunt was very smooth and had hints of citrus in it, the cart on the other hand is a completely different high. I did smoke the 1g cart in one sit so that might explain why it was such a unique high, it was very uplifting and energetic. I highly recommend this strain for new comers and experience smokers.
This one gets five stars because of one huge characteristic that you RARELY see in sativas that GTH actually shines bright...….. pain relief. Sativas are pretty poor generally when It comes to this I have found, which sucks because I love them for all day meds! But can't help but always feel something is missing. GTH has this in spades..... an OG pain killer with a haze buzz to keep you going. Very unique and possibly the "Ultimate sativa" for you hardcore users out there. TAKE CAUTION if you are a newbie or you could be left dwelling on your life choices and getting PO'd at that one punk back in middle school…...