Ghost Train Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Ghost Train Haze.
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This is a perfect smoke for a day of playing video games or watching movies. Relaxed, but awake and creative. It’s nothing like your average sativa
October 2, 2019
i have this in vape form. i got my Oklahoma medical card in August and wanted to try a vape. i quit cigarettes years ago, and had only smoked weed a couple of times in my life until 2018 (I'm 46 now).
my kids are grown and they both told me that i should try it to help sleep and w depression. i smoked with them and decided to get my card.
i have only bought the 1937 brand vape cartridges, and this stuff hits hard and fast. ( keep in mind I'm new to this lol) i also bought some flower just to try a few different strains.
first off, i like the convenience of a vape, and the vape cloud is much less than the flower.
anyway, ghost train haze is powerful. i take 2 or 3 good hits and in a min i can feel the effects. it is hard to describe, but the awareness hits pretty fast, time slows down my body feels great.
(i always noticed marijuana makes sex feel like it did when i was 18)
after about 10 mins i am pretty content with my surroundings, stress has lifted, my body feels relaxed, even though my mind feels like I'm in deep contemplation about 3 different things at once!
it's like having 3 different songs playing at the same time and you're singing along to all 3, all the while noticing the sound the ice machine is making in the next room.
the vape has lasted me for weeks because i don't use it through out the day. it is more of a relax tool at the end of the day.
i have vaped and then went and chilled out in a pool and watch the sunset and the feeling ghost train haze gives me just adds to beauty and oneness with the moment.
One of my favorite strains I’ve tried. Very potent and effective for treating depression. The first time I tried it I felt very giddy, energetic, and creative. I wanted to go on an adventure. Perfect for being social in moderate doses.
Just picked up some of this strain in distillate from a Growhealthy dispensary in Lake Worth, FL. It has a very pleasant piney citrus aroma, and is very potent.
Aurora Cannabis: Ghost Train Haze
Great sativa high but do not underestimate, smoke a lot it WILL put you on your ass. Great stress reviler.
the flavor is very smooth but pungent, Suttle on the intake but fulfilling on the exhale, it's a very uplifting mind high that has me wanting to get up and go! love these types of bud for a morning smoke to get right for the day.
Order this strain right now. From the moment I saw it in the bag, I knew it was going to be top notch.
The trichome/bud structure and crystalline appearance, in tandem with the pungent citrusy aroma makes this strain extremely aesthetically pleasing. I first medicated with this strain in my vaporizer, and immediately felt it's uplifting and euphoric effects. In the first 30 seconds I felt a slight tingling sensation in the front of my skull/forehead, which then progressed down into my cheek bone area. After a few hits on my vape, I decided to try a couple of hits in my bowl. After taking a large puff from my pipe, I began to feel slight pressure behind the bridge of my nose, as well as tingling down my shoulders and forearms. This strain is incredibly euphoric and creative to say the least, in addition to the pleasant physical effects it has on the body. Highly recommend this product for patients suffering from pain, anxiety, depression, and ADD/ADHD.
December 4, 2021
Awesome in moderation, but beware sometimes it feels really good for a long time, then all of a sudden the ghost train fog leaves you with a headache
Amazing weed to walk around with. Spark it up, get out of the house, and listen to some great music.