Ghost Train Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Ghost Train Haze.
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One of the best day time strains I have every used. The strain allows you to say focus while getting relief.
Tried this yesterday for first time and I got a lot accomplished in terms of cleaning and rearranging my kitchen decor🤣
Definitely a creative, energizing strain!
For a Sativa it really throws a knockout punch. Initialy feels more Indica with some sedative features. Eventually moves into an energentic and productive state. Good early morning starin when you have time to relax for an hour before you get going for the day.
February 22, 2015
Best tasting weed I've ever had! It has a citrus taste, like limeaid. Really strong I fell no negitives except it's so strong you have to be carefully not to smoke to much this is a strain where you use moderation. Best high I've had, but smoke too much and you're on the couch with the munchies watching a movie too high to move for a good 4-8 hours!
Very good for focusing I got a lot of work done and time flew.
December 4, 2021
Awesome in moderation, but beware sometimes it feels really good for a long time, then all of a sudden the ghost train fog leaves you with a headache
this strain is awesome doing it in Vape form in this thing Knox my brain into the dirt relaxing but clear Citrus taste that you can't beat I recommend it to anybody that wants to smoke something that's worth getting baked on.
Very good Sativa strain. Great for outdoor adventures, inside cleaning, social events, it is an all-around great Sativa. Uplifting, motivating, giggly, happy, pain reliever, depression, mood enhancer for sure! if you have anxiety, with any Sativa smoke lightly, to not raise that! Once you try GTH I guarantee it will be on your top fav. List :)