Ghost Train Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Ghost Train Haze.
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All thoroughout the day, every day. Started at age 14 and am now 37, so very high tolerance at this point, but purchased a pack of prerolls from Greenlight, here in Missouri, lit one, and took a total of 4 hits off of it. I had to put it straight back out 😂 Enough said. 🔥👏
Nice uplifting high. I love anything that gives a good high without making me tired. I work from home on my computer all day so I prefer sativas over indicas or sativa dominant strains. This one has a nice flavor is not a strong citrus despite it smelling like citrus. The taste is good. Good for daytime use or if you're just wanting to get high without getting tired. This is a great strain. Would definitely buy again. I give this a 5 star rating
A great, smooth, uplifting sativa. This is not a quick start high. The “take off” is smooth and transition is hardly noticeable. The elevated state of this sativa opens up the creative side of my analytical brain. It’s a smooth ride and has become one of my all time favorite sativa.
April 20, 2015
beautiful flower and i love the pine smell. had me feeling very euphoric, but that was followed by really strange moods. this made me extremely paranoid, while other strains usually do not at all.
"I don't know about you Lee, but I don't want to get so high I become Snoop Dog" (to the other person who I smoked 3 bowls of this strain with)
My friend, "I don't know snoop dog sounds like a pretty cool guy"
"But like I'm Feliciano and then all the sudden-I'm snoop dog, my memories are snoop dog's, my thoughts are snoop dog's, I AM snoop dog."
"The previous snoop dog wasn't even himself, it was just the last person who got really high. Snoop dog just lives on forever, vessel after vessel."
This whole conversation and the laughs we had afterwards is why this strain is my all time favourite. Need I say any more?
Great Strain in moderation. Very lemony, floral scent in the jar. Nice smooth citrus flavor on inhale and exhale. Fast onset after a half a doob. crazy head high that slowly takes over the body but no couch lock. Do not recommend for people with high anxiety!
All in all a great strain for the Sativa lovers. Not for rookie smokers; VERY POTENT if care is taken through her life and drying and curing cycle. Absolutely love this one. Cheers to Rare Dankness.
[Super Silver Haze X Train Wreck]
• Process—Steep rate of onset. Also lasted a while. //
• Stoniness—Strong. Was driving to run errands and time was passing very slowly within and between tasks. Attention switching was also effortful. I described myself as "fucking bricked" and that felt pretty on point. //
• Somatic—Very droopy and red eyes, moderate dry mouth (I continuously had to drink water). I definitely looked stoned. No hunger pangs related to consumption, though, which was nice.
Not sure if also because of allergies, but my voice was hoarse and congested. //
• Mood—Slightly paranoid because I thought everyone could tell I was high (probably true) and was judging me for it (probably not true). Otherwise, I was really zoned out. Some combination between socially hyperaware and mentally floating around. //
• Fx—I was able to drive and run shopping errands but with considerable effort involved. It was moderately effortful to compile a shopping list to remind myself what I had to buy from Sprouts. Engaging in each task (what to buy next; where to drive next; what steps were involved in paying for things) was also effortful. I felt flustered when talking to the Sprouts and Target cashiers. Really did not like and would have not preferred social interaction with this strain.
I'm a relatively newbie to pot .. Started Nov. 1st/2018. I have so far invested in 13 strains. Some I won't purchase again and some have for sure become a fav. This is one of them. I always wanted Ghost Train Haze. And finally acquired it from WeedMD. The buds were so dense and even sticky when I began separating them for the grinder. Incredible chemical smell . I used a dry vape. Only filled it once .. that is 1/8th of a gram. How that could get me so stoned is amazing .. and what a "stone". A full 3 hrs. And I swear I was still stoned when I went to bed. It was a "busy" stone too. I could not fathom how I could still do so much being so stoned. And so happy. No couch lock that's for sure. Laughed a lot No huge Munchie issue .. Just an amazing "stone" that was totally enjoyable. This is one train ride you just don't want to get off of.