Ghost Train Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Ghost Train Haze.
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January 3, 2019
Ghost Train Haze is a go to when dealing with my pain level or PTSD. Like any good Sativa, it gives you a nice brain high without leaving you couch locked. I recommend it highly to those dealing with mental health issues in particular.
It says to steer clear for anxiety but as someone with heavy GAD and Social Anxiety this strain has been great for me. It definitely will make you a little racey, so if you're the type to react badly to that look out. So yeah, it's definitely a sativa but there are others that trigger my anxiety worse but if you're sensitive be careful. If you're like me, this might be perfect for you.
With that disclaimer out of the way. Woo. This stuff is great, strong but pretty functional. Smoked some this morning and got some local errands done, smoke some more before writing this review and it works great for really anything requiring focus.
Definitely some euphoria, enough for me to bother writing this. For the most part it's a standard sativa high taken to 11, putting it up there with some of the heaviest hitting strains but it doesn't leave me as panicky as something like Sour Diesel.
Overall, a great functional high and if you decide to smoke a bit more a good creative and I'd imagine social high. I wanna talk to everyone right now.
Great strain,
Really positive vibe, not too strong, just enough to feel more focused and have a happy boost...
Time pass by really fast and already come back to normal, really smooth 😌
it's a good strain
▪hits fast
▪nice head high
▪a bit of a energy boost
▪pain management wise I'd say 6/10
Youll be High as hell
Very good clean smoke. Have only heard of ghost train haze but now I can't put it down by far one of my top ten!
September 29, 2019
The mist creeps through the firs, fingers of condensation that rise and fall in the baleful moonlight.
Under the silence of moss and rock and earth lies an ancient artery of iron and rotted timber; it hums, a dream of ectoplasm. Sparks spray, indeterminate, dancing on the edge of Planck’s Constant. Here an invisible corridor flickers, strangely technicolor, the air filling with ions.
An unfortunate creature might find itself transfixed, its hackles rising, rising, eyes glittering from a point of light forming in the distance. Galvanized by unseen energies and sheer terror, it faces down the light, now a maelstrom struck by ball lightning dancing backwards in Time and Space.
It is a rictus, formed from nothing, of a face being peeled of Life’s Many Maladies, until there is only a full blown face lashed with gentle pleasure shedding ghost light that passes through the wreck of its nervous system.
Then the moonlight is all over everything, as usual, but it glitters. This strain is an oxymoron: just right is just enough, but have too much your eyelids will droop.
Ghost Train Haze is my number one Sativa choice hands down. Normally I stick with Indica's for my Crohn's Disease because they help my pain and inflammation better but GTH is not like most Sativa's. It has everything you need for pain relief and inflammation with the Sativa head high and creative euphoria that makes you want to get stuff done. If you haven't tried GTH I highly recommend you get some. You will definitely not be disappointed. Happy smoking!