G13 reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain G13.
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destabilising lean. make sure you've stewed some dank.
best ever... really high THC level, be careful, if taken too much it might knock u out.
Second batch I recently got locally. Good at numbing the pain in my muscles (I have Fibromyalgia), but it does cloud my head a bit. Still able to get around, but I wouldn't make any big decisions while on this one!
Not too shabby, but then again i may be biased although im trying to be as fair as i can. The only way i can describe it is a massage for your brain, made me very relaxed and almost in a meta stage for critical thinking; don't over do it though or the effects will turn into a straight couchlocker. Good for one hitters every now and again for all day long.
Beautiful buds with lots of trichomes. Great high that seemed to last a very longtime. Clear headed but very relaxed at the same time.
Don't know if it was the vaporizer that made it last as long as it did, but this was one of the greatest smoking sessions I have ever partaken in. STRONG BUZZ (Emphasis on the Strong). If you're a socially awkward person, good luck with smoking this.
The most well rounded strain I've ever experienced, through all modalities. This sits in my top three of all time. I use cannabis as 7/10 medicinal for chronic insomnia and depression (which have been tapered to nonexistent), and 3/10 recreationally. So I tend to love those strains that will help me sleep but keeps engaged as long as I'm trying to be. And G-13 just is top tier on all accounts.
Definitely a new favorite of mine - can't believe it's been so long before I tried it. This is a poofy, rotund-leafed bud with grayer, earthier colors and an identifiably sweet, mossy aroma. Tastes dark is all I can say... not particularly flavorful but at the same time I could smoke this stuff all night long. I see why Willie Nelson endorses it - this shit's good.