G13 reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain G13.
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November 9, 2018
Smoked this in Amsterdam. Never been this high. I became one with the concrete floor.
February 26, 2019
this is great when ur going threw sh*t cru eyes and mouth so keep soothing to drink handy but to make a samitch not intensely hungry but feel it enough to pig ou if and feel good doing it he he
March 17, 2016
Suh dude. Shit got me dead.
July 7, 2016
this strain is the shit I love it
Just smoked 6 bowls of my g13. So far I have had 2 blurry black outs and dizziness fazes lasting at least 2 seconds from this strain . Other than that I was laughing at everything and felt very euphoric, unfortunately didn't help my insomnia. It also made me think about the location of where I was, I was never so happy to live in So Cal after I smoked this strain. Everything seemed so chill and beautiful.
Great strain,very potent and long lasting high (4+hours) from 2 bong hits creeps up on you. at first I did not think this was a pure Indica. When I smoked this I got a burst of energy like never before with a bit of cotton mouth and paranoia. after that it became more a uplifted talkative high. however later on I noticed it slowed down a bit and became very sedated and numb all over. almost like being on Morphine and floating on a cloud.
August 1, 2015
This strain was the first strain that finally brought my appetite back! I had totally lost it for over four months, from a med I came off of from being on too long, and went down to 95lbs. I'm definitely getting more. I definitely recommend for appetite loss. Good all around, head & body. I was able to do anything!
Indica but you swear its a hybrid -high is so unique, wonderfully uplifting with a clean comedown. smell is pleasantly piney , taste is unique to itself. purchased through Farmacy Victoria, buds are the best example of G13 i have seen