G13 reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain G13.
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As a medical cannabis user, I study strains and their effects on me. From a recommendation from a friend, I was turned on to the G-13 strain. My recommendation to others is simply do not miss trying this strain! This has become a go to for me personally, G-13 just makes the world go away. Pain, anxiety, depression, bad thoughts, just melt away. Yet I’m still quite functional, enjoying my surroundings no matter what.
Nice. This is an excellent evening strain even if you have some things to do at home. You'll float through those tasks with a smile on your face. This strain consistently makes me burst out laughing. Super muscle relaxing as well.
G-13. Get around it, great strain. Enjoy being energized at the beggining but also kickback after an hour a half and chill before sleeping. I smoke a small jay 3hrs before bed. Perfect for me
Great for being functional and helps with ADHD symptoms, though, granted, I trade ADHD symptoms for the 'fun house' side effects of getting high. I have only used G-13 a few times, and it seems to help relieve this pressure I feel in my brain (I know it sounds like I'm high in saying I feel my Pre-Frontal Cortex building in pressure/activity but it makes sense with my ADHD and anxiety)
smells like lemons
nice taste
smooth smoke
gets you very high
get lots of it
looks like cartoon weed
no groggy feeling the next morning
it tastes really nice so you smoke too much of it without realizing
I smoke a lot of weed. I use it medicinally for lower back pain, and as a way to unwind at the end of the day. This is easily the best grass I have smoked in years, perhaps ever. I am no novice, however this strain hits me like a brick. Talkative, giggles, clean. No crash, just a snap of the fingers and poof, gone. Toke some more. Highly recommended.
Truly unlike anything I had experienced previously. The buzz seemingly never subsided and there was no cloudy feeling after a long session. Very relaxing, almost body numbing but not overwhelming, enough to enjoy yourself and forget about any aches or pains. Melts stress away.
By far, the most “indica” indica. Most of us talk about sativa, hybrid, and indica as if sativa’s are speedy euphoria, hybrid balanced, and indica = relaxed euphoria.
Despite this really isn’t the case always, and definitely is not the actual definitions, if you are one who is looking for both relaxation and euphoria bordering on being actually fucked up on marijuana…. This is for you.
I smoke daily… flower, and some form of concentrate. I don’t get fucked up smoking… edibles 50mg + will do it.
This was 25% G13 flower and I smoked a joint- I couldn’t believe it lol.
Smelled of straight blueberry dankiness.
Brand: Organic Remedies, PA