G13 reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain G13.
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December 14, 2012
I'm really impressed with this strain. I like how it brought me up quick,but didn't drop me with a crash. I'm going on 2 hours after burning about a third of a gram and I'm still feeling great and pain free. The buzz lasted for about an hour and a half,but it was Good! I would definitely grab this again.
Mugs were dense and sticky. Nice smell,kinda Spicey in a way
Holy couch lock
Just smoked 6 bowls of my g13. So far I have had 2 blurry black outs and dizziness fazes lasting at least 2 seconds from this strain . Other than that I was laughing at everything and felt very euphoric, unfortunately didn't help my insomnia. It also made me think about the location of where I was, I was never so happy to live in So Cal after I smoked this strain. Everything seemed so chill and beautiful.
Great strain,very potent and long lasting high (4+hours) from 2 bong hits creeps up on you. at first I did not think this was a pure Indica. When I smoked this I got a burst of energy like never before with a bit of cotton mouth and paranoia. after that it became more a uplifted talkative high. however later on I noticed it slowed down a bit and became very sedated and numb all over. almost like being on Morphine and floating on a cloud.
My boyfriend and I shared a 1g joint of this strain. Well, all I have to say is this is an amazing strain. A very much so before bed strain. This strain locked me down.
Outstanding in every way! Do yourself a favor & try this strain. Very powerful.
Whether or not the rumors of govt. origins are true, this strain rises to the legends. It is for sure the most unique smoke I have experienced. a 10-15 minute head rush followed by a nice slow release into a melting body high. PERFECT strain for regular smokers...this one lasted me a while. I would buy it again in a heartbeat, and at a premium.
Indica but you swear its a hybrid -high is so unique, wonderfully uplifting with a clean comedown. smell is pleasantly piney , taste is unique to itself. purchased through Farmacy Victoria, buds are the best example of G13 i have seen