Frisian Dew reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Frisian Dew.
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December 22, 2015
smoked both purple and green bud from this strain. friend of a friend grew it outdoor in north european climate. wet and cold. couldnt believe the return from plant and beautiful smoke. excellent for depression
Impressed by the quality and potency of this outdoor strain. Nice green/purple looking buds, mine room will fill up with a lovely citrus/skunky smell when I open the jar. The smoke is good, It tastes like fresh pine with skunky and citrus undertones. The effects are on your body as well on your mind. Makes me feel happy and relaxed, great for the evening while watching a movie.
June 6, 2016
GreAt will be back for more, very clear headed and relaxing, a must have in your stash box
The batch I had the pleasure of smoking/vaping came from TCC in Mesa. The flat buds were a dark forest green with a few seeds in each one. Not much to look at, but after vaping a bowl in my Arizer Solo I was high high high! Oh man, no lie this flower is Very potent! It has a clean piney, slightly fruity flavor and leaves you with a powerful head high, loads of creative thinking and tons of energy. What a sleeper she is!! Don't miss this one (maybe you'll get lucky and find some seeds too!) Thanks TCC!
For pain, particularly crohn's and MS, this variety can't be beat. Any bowel or nervous systems disorders. Frisian will first give you a buzz and about 15 minutes later produce the pain killing effect. I don't mean you can deal with the pain...I mean it REMOVES the pain. It it euphoric and good for sleep, but functional too so good for day or night. This is hands down my favorite cannabis ever. For growing, it prefers the outdoors. Very tall so if you are trying indoors you would have to top it and it does take a bit longer to mature than more popular varieties but it's SO worth it.
I wanted a strain i could grow in the average UK weather without too much maintenance.
It grows pretty well in the garden and is very hardy, couple of spiders seem to just sit there for days after walking along the leaves when frosted. When it starts growing it needs a lot of water. Even after harvesting the buds i decided to keep the plants in the soil for another batch this year, it hasnt died and looks like it will reward me again. It does smell a bit and next door were sniffing quite a bit during their various BBQs but it was quite difficult to spot with my other plants growing around it ;)
I didnt get much yeild and it didnt flower fully until mid October but i am quite satisfied with the results. Its not too bad a smoke either, i was expecting paranoia and dizzyness that others complained of but instead i got a very laid back, glassey eyed, "thinking" experience that was fairly mild and not too overpowering. I feel this is more Sativa than Indica as i and my friends came up with some very profound explanations on art, music and science, watching blade runner 2049 one afternoon on a "sickie" from work was a truely mind blowing experience ...not to mention my friends explanations on gravity and jet propulsion and my experience of "understanding" the creation of all life on earth whilst stiring my ramen for dinner.
Overall not the strongest strain i have ever had but great for a bong hit in the evening after work whilst the wife watches her films and i stare into space listening to tribal music.
One of the best strains for outdoorgowing in northren climates. Especially bred for the wet climate in the "frisian landscape" in northern Netherland/Germany near the north sea. Finisches ealry with massive yield and the best bud to leaf ratio i´ve erver seen outdoors.
The High is strong for outdoor weed - no wonder it´s a super skunk cross. At frist the indica hits you, later on you will enjoy a nice mellow uplifting and funny high. Taste is very mild, pine fruity...
Highly recommended if you grow outdoors in nothern climates
excellent genetics- excellent outdoor northern climate strain-grew huge-little bud rot 7 to 8 weeks it is ready and a beautiful plant different phenotypes but all excellent quality medicine