FPOG reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain FPOG.
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Magnificent. The strong indica effects happen slow and build upp..!! perfect high in the late night. will help you fall asleep and wake up with a smile on ur face.
Fruity Pebbles rock! I mean this is some good shit. Waked and Baked with it for Saturday Morning Cartoons. Very strong sweet smell and flavor. Relieved my morning pain, muscle cramps, and joint pain as well as giving me a very mellow high. Had me happy in no time. Colors on Swordgai were nearly psychedelic. I bought a gram from Ilera at my dispensary yesterday to do a taste test, I'm now wishing I had bought more, hell I should have bought out their stock. Of course they are sold out now. Oh well, I will keep my eyes open for it. Pairs well with The Monkees, Swordgai, and of course, Fruity Pebbles.
Wonderful Strain!!!!..On all levels..Very berry, tropical & sweet, cereal smell.
February 2, 2019
It is good
2nd favorite strain overall. Wonderful full flavor, and the name does not lie; it really tastes Fruity Pebbles. It makes everything all tingly and inviting, and I've also written some of my best riffs and lyrics while smoking this.
Great strain for getting you're work done. Calms my anxiety and sets me in a good mood.
I really like this high, except for fucking cottonmouth haha. Its uplifting for sure I think the talkative point is here I am definetly happy and very focused, I wish I kinda had someone ever to talk to.
I highly recommend. Looks great, smells great, and taste amazing! Had me energized and focused all day.