Dream Queen reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Dream Queen.
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Hands down my FAVORITE strain keeps a clear head, and helps me stay positive
March 2, 2019
Immediate euphoric high
If you like the calm tranquility of Blue Dream, you will really enjoy Dream Queen.
August 22, 2016
dense nugs decent smell. Description is true I smoked a lot of it and it felt like I wasnt attached to my body and was in a dream. However this is one of those strains that just make you feel super dumb and unfunctional. There are a lot of social strains I prefer over this that feel more euphoric and creative. For some one who wants to get super fkd up this is a good buy for some one who wants a nice pick me up bowl not so much
A fun strain with a nice giggly/grinning/euphoric uplift. Addresses pain reasonably well and is not sleep inducing. I use this as a day time medicine. I have to be careful though because if I have too much it can make me feel a little anxious.
Dream queen may be the BEST weed I've ever smoked. I've been smoking for three years and have experience all spectrums of the strain rainbow, and this is hands down the best. It's the perfect amount of relaxation but functionality. I feel completely relaxed yet I still can move around and do things if need be. I don't think I've ever smoked a weed that has this perfect of a balance. Props to this strain.
This has become my favorite (my wife's, too). Unfortunately I pretty bought out what was left and have used most of it up. But, this is one excellent strain. The high is perfect and although it is uplifting, it does not keep you awake. As a mater of fact, I found this very good to sleep with. It's relaxing, fun, can make you chatty and hungry, and I couldn't think of a better leaf to enjoy Refer Madness (the original & the musical) with. Currently, if I had to choose one strain out of my entire collection, it would be Dream Queen.
Excellent strain for being super creative & motivated. I can see smoking this on the weekend to get some projects done.
Mostly happy, a bit giggly and I can still carry on a conversation.
Not the best for bedtime for me since it’s gives me so much energy.
Overall decent strain.